Canon law is a set of ordinances and regulations made by ecclesiastical authority, for the government of a Christian organization or church and its members. In such a case, the Bishop may choose an Official Principal to act as his/her Assessor. Each Bishop Ordinary of a Diocese or other Jurisdiction of this Church may appoint a Church Advocate to conduct Hearings or failing an appointment by the Ordinary, the Court may make the appointment as needed. The Constitution, Canons and Rules of the Anglican Church of Australia are published after the General Synod Session in ‘The Green Book’. Section 5. (i) If the accused admits guilt, does not contest guilt, or there is a finding of guilt: he or she will be terminated immediately, and not be eligible thereafter for any employment or volunteer work in the Diocese. On September 28th, 1921, in the United States, George Alexander McGuire, who was born in South Africa and served in Anglican Church in South Africa and the United States of America until 1918、until he was rejected by the administration of the Anglican Church (Canterbury) after he had been elected to the office of Bishop, was consecrated to the first Bishop and Primate of the AOC by Archbishop Joseph Rene Vilatte, assisted by Bishop Carl A. Nybladh who had been consecrated by Vilatte. In all cases they shall be persons of unimpeachable moral character, and it is recommended that the wardens and Vestrymen/women be so chosen that one-third of their entire membership shall be elected each year. (i) The solemn obligation and duty of preserving the Seal of Confession devolves upon and binds all who, by lawful or unlawful means, have acquired knowledge or come to a knowledge of any matter, directly or indirectly, advertently or inadvertently, or in any other way, of that which falls under the usual and absolute seal. A committee on the St. Agnes Christian Education Center consisting of the Patriarch, Matriarch and other Bishops, two priests and the Director or Dean of the Center. It allows both public and private confession, the mode being optional with the penitent. usurpation of ecclesiastical functions and delicts in their exercise (cann. Copyright © Worldwide Anglican Church. The rules under which a church is governed are called canon law. Section 2. Every Bishop in charge of a Diocese or Jurisdiction shall make a written report of his work and episcopal acts to General Synod, mailing same so that it may be in the hand of the Secretary of General Synod, or of its Presidents, at least twenty days prior to the stated meeting of the General Synod. 6 PENANCE Section 2. In case the same is found satisfactory, the Bishop and Council may receive such Congregation into the Worldwide Anglican Church, but it shall not become a constituent part of the Diocesan Synod or Jurisdiction until so voted at the next stated meeting thereof. The expenses incurred by such a visit shall be defrayed in part or whole by the congregation for whose benefit it is made, or in such other way as the Synod of the Diocese or Jurisdiction shall provide. Section 10. (l) If the accused is a cleric of the Diocese, who admits guilt, does not contest guilt, or there is a finding of guilt: the applicable provisions of Canon Law will be invoked for appropriate disposition. Three Archbishops and three Bishops, with the Presidents of the General Synod, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. On February 2nd, 2019, MWMAC merged with the WAC and Archbishop Johnson became WAC’s first Ex-Officio Matriarch. The 1992 Constitution of this Church provides for three partners to order their affairs within their own cultural context. Vacancies occurring during the term of any member of the Court may be filled by the Metropolitan, with the advice and consent of his/her College of Bishops, from among the order where such vacancy occurred, to serve until the adjournment of the next regular meeting of the Provincial Synod, at which meeting a member of that order shall be chosen by the appropriate House to serve out the remainder of the unexpired term, if any. Then Archbishop McGuire declared that he is forming a sect of the Anglican Church “for our race”, thus the unity of the AOC, South Africa and the United States of America, began. Before such examination, he/she shall present a Testimonial from at least one Priest, two male and two female communicants of this Church signifying a belief in his/her fitness for this sacred office and in his/her purity, good morals and behavior for the space of three years past. Section 20. If continued, the case shall be referred by the Priest in writing to the Bishop whose judgment is final. He/she shall be the Adviser of the Patriarch and Matriarch Presidents and HOB in all legal and judicial matters, and with their consent shall secure such legal talent as may be necessary for the affairs of this Church. The Treasurer of the General Synod shall be an ex-officio member of this Committee for the purpose of receiving funds and giving desired information but without a vote. `Norman Doe has produced a comprehensive overview of the variety of Canon Law systems throughout the worldwide communion of the Anglican Church.' The Anglican Canon Law Council of Southern Africa (ACLCSA) has as its mandate to assist the Church and our Bishops to respect and abide by the Canons and Constitution of our Church, and the laws of the countries in which we minister. Section 17. Section 5. On August 1st, 2019, Archbishop Johnson was appointed Co-Presiding Bishop with His Grace, the Most Rev ++ Christopher Lwanga Tusubira. ReddIt. The Worldwide Anglican Church is not part of the Anglican Communion officially. Section 1. Alexander I died on November 10th, 1934, and Archbishop George Ford (1897-2004), succeeded the mantle. We pray at that time that much will not be said of who we were, but that what we have done. A Committee on Constitution and Canons, consisting of the Patriarch, Matriarch and other Bishops, two Priests and two Laymen, of which the Chancellor shall be one, to whom shall be referred all alterations or amendments to the Constitution and Canons. Section 1. Each of the autonomous Member Churches, however, does have a canonical system. 10 HOLY MATRIMONY Canon law is one category amongst several bodies of law within a particular church. or Mormons). Section 1. Secondly, canon law is understood in a wider sense: it is the formal collection of several bodies of law within a particular Anglican church. It receives as a part of the original deposit of the faith “once for all delivered to the saints” the Seven Gospel Sacraments. In August 2019, a conference was held to end the ongoing theological debate within the church. Section 2. Having received the authority and consent in writing of the Bishop and Bishop’s Council the persons concerned may organize themselves into a Congregation, but not otherwise. Every Priest in charge of a congregation, or if the charge is vacant, the Wardens of the congregation, shall annually present a report thereof to the Synod of Jurisdiction at its regular meetings according to the form designated by the Canons of the Diocese and Jurisdiction. (a) Accordingly, every effort will be made through available secular media to restore the good name of a person determined to have been falsely accused of sexual abuse of a minor. 33. Resources from our Annual Meeting: Contemporary Issues in Canon Law. ++ Christopher Lwanga Tusubira Section 2. (m) If the accused denies the allegation(s) and the state or federal criminal process is inconclusive or the accused is found not guilty, the Bishop will make the final decision as to whether the person is to be returned to duty, having consulted the diocesan Synod for its final decision. All Commissions and Committees herein mentioned shall make a report at every stated meeting of the General Synod and a majority of all the members of any such Commissions or Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. In response, the Anglican Communion Legal Advisors Network prepared a document, The Principles of Canon Law Common to the Churches of the Anglican Communion. As a result of the deliberations, the conference resolved to divide the church into two in a legitimate manner. Section 14. When filed, the use of the academic title may be published. (c) Therefore, it is the special duty of such Bishops Ordinary to instruct, or cause to be instructed, those Priests whom they choose to grant such concession to exercise such ministry of reconciliation, committed by Christ to his Church, within their Jurisdictions on the knowledge and matters which Confessors must and ought to know, and, except for good cause prevented, that such Bishops Ordinary do not grant such License or Faculty to any Priest except he/she first be found qualified and fit to exercise such ministry by means of an examination, or his/her qualifications and fitness are evident from another source or have been otherwise ascertained. Twitter. Let’s see what canon law has to say about each one in turn. The Bishop consults with the Synod throughout the process of the investigation and before taking final action. (c) The Diocese will take care that the allegation is reported to the proper civil authorities, but the person making the report should bear in mind that they also must report to the civil authorities as a state-mandated reporter. The African Orthodox Church (AOC) owed its Episcopate and Apostolic Authority to the Syrian Church of Antioch where their disciples were first called Christians, and of which the See of St Peter the Apostle was the first Bishop. It shall also be the Trustees of all property, real and personal, held by any parish or congregation, which receives regular financial aid from said Committee. Section 2. The greater, or Holy Orders, which are of divine institution, are the Episcopate, the Priesthood, and the Diaconate, reader, exorcist, acolyte, and sub-deacon. In actual fact, they are two distinct entities, one of which is legally required while the other is not. After much prayer, fasting and discussion, the WAC and Mercy Worldwide Ministries Anglican Church (MWMAC) came into Intercommunion with each other to form a robust union in December 2018. The territorial boundaries of a Diocesan Synod shall be fixed by the General Synod and shall not be changed except such Synod by a majority vote requests and received the consent of the General Synod. Canon law, Latin jus canonicum, body of laws made within certain Christian churches (Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, independent churches of Eastern Christianity, and the Anglican Communion) by lawful ecclesiastical authority for the government both of the whole church and parts thereof and of the behaviour and actions of individuals. The work of this body began in earnest and it took (and is) in developing a strong foundation. Its faith, as declared, was Orthodox, in conformity with the Orthodox Churches of the east from which its Episcopate was derived. If an appeal is from the Diocesan Court, or from the Consistory Court of any Ordinary, or from any Diocesan or Bishop Ordinary on the Provincial Court, or Court of the Metropolitan, the Court shall choose another Bishop of that Province, able and willing, so to sit in that matter. Appeals will lie in such instance not to the Metropolitan, but to the High Court of the Holy Synod. However, we are in spiritual union with all Anglicans around the world. Deacons shall not be given charge of congregations, but shall be assistants to Priests, or serve temporarily in a congregation under the supervision of the Bishop. All Bishops so resigning or relieved shall retain their seats in the Conclave, or House of Bishops, the Worldwide Anglican Church Consistory, and be entitles to vote in General Synod. Daily Office. Religious Orders of men and women may be organized with the authority and consent of the Bishop of the Diocese or Jurisdiction for promoting the life of sacrifice, love, and service towards God, His Church, and humanity in general. Since this is a mystery it shuns all terms of definition and description. Section 2. Section 3. No Priest of this Church shall in any way attempt to perform the solemn exorcism of demonic possession, whether it be partial possession or complete and total possession, or to cast out, or to perform any act of driving out, or warding off, demons or evil spirits or forces from persons, places, or things that are believed to be, possessed or infested by them or are liable to become victims or instruments of their malice, unless such Priest has received training from his/her Bishop. In addition to the oral report, a written report is completed by the one receiving the allegation. CANON 4: OF THE ELECTION OF BISHOPS. Every Person desiring to become a candidate for Holy Orders in this Church shall apply in writing to the Bishop having jurisdiction over the congregation in which he/she is enrolled as a communicant, and such Bishop having examined him/her to discover his/her academic  qualifications, life experience, secular experience,  and soundness in the Episcopal Faith may admit him/her a candidate by and with the advice of the Bishop’s Council. (j) If the accused denies the allegation(s) and the state or federal criminal process is inconclusive or the accused is found not guilty: The Bishop will make the final decision as to whether the person is to be returned to duty, having consulted the Diocesan Synod for its recommendation. 8 UNCTION OF THE SICK Each Court of this Church may, from time to time, make such Official Rules or Regulations to the Court regulating the practice and procedure, and every matter believed advisable for preventing expense and delay, and for securing the ends of justice; and each Court may, from time to time, suspend, repeal, vary or revive any rules and regulations. The Co-Presiding Archbishops will be members and Administrators of all WAC groups on all social media platforms. Facebook. Persons desiring to form a Congregation of this Church must first make a written request to the Bishop and Bishop’s Council, having Jurisdiction, stating their acceptance of the faith, Worship, Discipline, Constitution and canons of the Worldwide Anglican Church. No communicant member of another religious body shall be received into the communicant membership and privileges of this Church, until such time as he/she shall have received the rite of Confirmation by a Bishop of this Church or satisfied such Bishop that he/she has been confirmed by a Bishop validly Consecrated. Section 26. This number may be increased by legislation at any session of the General Synod. (b) If the person accused is the Priest, the report is made directly to civil authorities and then to the Bishop. Section 1. In a Bull issued by Ignatius Peter III, Patriarch of Antioch and the East, permission was given for the Consecration of the Priest Joseph Rene Vilatte as Archbishop – Metropolitan of the Archdiocese of America, namely, for churches adhering to the Orthodox Faith; and, on May 29th, 1892, Archbishop Vilatte was duly consecrated in Ceylon by Archbishop Julius Alvarez, assisted by the Syrian Bishops George Gregorius and Paul Athanasius, all three being under obedience of the Patriarch of Antioch. No Person shall be ordained to the Priesthood in this Church until he/she be thirty years old. It believes the episcopate necessary for the life of the Church, that all bishops are equal in power and authority by divine right and that their prerogatives of honor and jurisdiction are derived from the Church and regulated by her canons. Thomas Creagh-Fuller, English College, Rome, Heythrop Journal, Vol 40, no 3, July 1999 `Dr Norman Doe has done the Anglican Communion a … The right of appeal to the Conclave of House of Bishop’s of this Church shall be permitted to the offending clergyman/woman through the Chancellor of the General Synod who shall obtain the records of the evidence and judgement submitted at the former hearing and present and analyze same for the information of the House of Bishops whose judgment shall be final. 5 CONFIRMATION The terms of tenure of Members of High Court of the Holy Synod shall be as determined by Canon of the Holy Synod. Section 1. Until the election of an Archbishop, the Deputy Archbishop Primate shall be the Acting Primate of the Worldwide Anglican Church in each Country. General Synod shall debate and vote as a general body according to such parliamentary rules as may be adopted, and freedom of debate shall always be allowed. Section 24. A Commission of which the Bishops shall be members shall prepare a Liturgy Anglican in faith, derived from the Latin Rite, and published in the English Language. The Synod will oversee the program. Section 2. title i. delicts against religion and the unity of the church (cann. 7 THE EUCHARIST The votes of all absent Bishops on a personally signed ballot shall be counted with the ballots of the Bishops present and voting, and the result of said election shall be published in all Dioceses and Jurisdictions of this Church. Section 3. In the examinations of Confessors before the issuance of such Faculties and Licenses, special attention should be given to these points. Section 1. It believes the Unction of the Sick to be a Sacrament of the New Dispensation, instituted for the spiritual and corporal solace of the sick, to be used for the benefit of the Christian when seriously ill, and not only when approaching death. Canon law embraces all formal laws, and includes the constitution, the code of canons, and other formal legal instruments. Section 4. In every trial of a Bishop, the Metropolitan of that Province shall sit as the president of the Court with his/her Official Principal. Canons and Rules. Every transfer when effected shall be reported to the Secretary of the General Synod by the Bishop receiving the Priest in question. This Constitution, until otherwise ordered, may be amended at any stated meeting of the General Synod by a two-thirds vote of all present and voting. Each of the autonomous member churches of the communion, however, does have a canonical system. 4 BAPTISM The Anglican Church of Canada affirms, accordingto our Lord’s teaching as found in Holy Scriptureand expressed ... differentsystems of law, has soughtin its rites and canonsto upholdand maintainthe Christianstandard It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the General Synod to receive and disburse all funds collected under the authority of the General Synod and for which there is no other regulation. Bishop McGuire was thrived to lay the foundation of the newborn AOC and on September 10th, 1924, he was elected to Archbishop. — Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, Message to the Canon Law Council Annual Conference, Epiphany 2016 The Anglican Canon Law Council of Southern Africa (ACLCSA) has as its mandate to assist the Church and our Bishops to respect and abide by the Canons and Constitution of our Church , and the laws of the countries in which we minister. Linkedin. There are numerous terms that are unique to or have distinctive meanings when referring to Anglicanism, such as: bishop (a successor to one of the Twelve Apostles, who has been consecrated by other bishops), archbishop (a bishop who has additional responsibilities), communion (refers to both the Lord’s Supper and the Anglican Communion), curate (an assistant to the person in charge of a parish), deacon (the initial level of being ordained in the Anglican Church), diocese (fundamental unit of structure of the Anglican church, which contains many parishes and churches) parish (smallest unit of administration, usually consisting of only one church), province (administrative division of the church that is bigger than a diocese and smaller than the whole world), rector (a priest who is the leader of a self-supporting parish), and vicar (the priest in charge of a parish or mission that is supported financially from the outside). 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