It will need at least four hours of direct sunlight each day during its active growth period. Email. With proper care, these massive plants can grow to be six feet tall by six feet wide. Add filtered light, a humid environment (bathroom or kitchen window), and moderate temperatures to get and keep your orchid going. Photo Source: Zingiber neglectum Pagoda Jewel looks like an alien life form but grows with ease in moist, well-draining soil. Learn tips for creating your most beautiful (and bountiful) garden ever. They’ll grow best in an area where the humidity remains at 50% or higher. A weekly shovel of compost or manure can help taller varieties like Phaison reach their potential. Bird of Paradise, the common name for the Heliconia plant, is noted for its spiky orange and yellow flowers on long, green stalks. Bring the plant indoors in winter, or if you have the proper technology, use intense grow lights outdoors to maintain an appropriate temperature. African violets are a stunning violet color that will bring beauty to any home. It’s best to do so weekly or more often in extreme heat. Blue Passion Flower (Passiflora Caerulea), How To Garden: Easiest House Plants To Keep Alive,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Planting, Growing, and Caring for Zinnia Flowers, The Meaning Behind the Japanese Cherry Blossom That You Didn’t Know, Carnations: Types, Meaning & Growing Tips, Jasmine Flower Meaning, Types & How to Grow, FACT goods – Cool Christian Shirts & Hats. 3. Choosing the right growing medium is critical for orchids, which do not grow well in standing water. Unlike scientific names, common names are not used for classifying or identifying plants because not only can any one plant have several common names, different plant species can also share the exact same common name. The Blue Passion Flower (Passiflora Caerulea) is a stunning white or sometimes pink-flushed. Plant bleeding hearts in slightly acidic, moist soil in partial shade. Looking like a cross between an artichoke and a thistle, protea flowers are a staple in tropical flower arrangements due to their very long-lasting cut blooms. In spite of their exotic appearance, bromeliads are surprisingly unfussy tropical plants that can tolerate a wide range of temperatures from near freezing to triple digits. The Sampaguita (Jasminum Sambac) is also known as Arabian Jasmine or Sambac Jasmine. Twitter. It is our mission to help you getting success with your aquarium. Anthurium. The Clivia Miniata is a flowering plant in the genus Clivia of the family Amaryllidaceae. Then wait until you see growth before re-watering. Grow best in full sun but can withstand light shade. Aromatic as they are beautiful, flowering ginger plants are an excellent alternative for gardeners who have little or no direct sun in their landscapes. Jasmine adds fragrance and height to any garden, producing flowers from late spring through early fall. Bougainvillea blooming may taper off during summer but will peak in the fall, as it thrives when day and night length are equal or nearly so. Indian Name: Desert Rose. Moderately fertile, moist and well-drained soil. WE GROW HAPPINESS. 8. Choose loose sandy or gravelly soils, with well-drained moisture. The blossoms are usually white, but some cultivars produce pink or purple flowers. Botanists first saw the Protea Proteaceae in the 17th century. One reason for the cost is their “reusable” feature. It can also help remove chemicals from the air. A variegated cultivar like Snowbank will make plants interesting even out of bloom. Sampaguita is the national flower of the Philippines. Tropical plants, available in a wide range of colors, shapes, and sizes, are ideal for adding drama to the deck, patio, or balcony. These tropical flowers enjoy high humidity. While clicking these links won’t cost you any extra money, they will help us keep this site up and running. Embed. All Tropica plants are marked with patented symbols that inform you about the difficulty of the plants. Medinilla magnifica, also known as pink maiden, is a departure from many tropical flowers in that it prefers a shady site in the garden. Use an airy orchid mix to pot your bromeliads, … The distinctive flower of peace lily (Spathiphyllum) is a pure white bract that forms a softly curved backdrop for the central column of tiny, closely set flowers, known as a spadix. Categories Flowering Plants Tropical Flowering Plants Names. Like many tropical flowers, the brilliant colors of the hibiscus are a beacon to butterflies. Feeling inspired? The Larkspur Delphinium comes from the Greek word for “Dolphin.” These plants produce tall spikes of showy flowers, which are usually blue. Photo Source: The Dutch Amaryllys is an indoor exotic flowering plant native to some regions in southern Africa and the United States. Full sun to partial shade is recommended. They do best in full sun to partial shade. More. Choose a pot with many drainage holes to further ensure that you will not overwater it. Spathodea … Despite this, common names are still widely used because they are usually so much easier to remember and pronounce than are scientific or Latin names. Photo Source: If you’re looking for a colourful flowering plant for your tropical garden, clivia should be at the top of your list. The Blood Lily (Scadoxus Multiflorus) is a bulbous plant. If you live in a cooler climate, you'll need to provide warmth for your tropical plants. Photo Source: Here are the 14 types of tropical flowers to enhance your garden. Bromeliads (air plants) are not only beautiful but are also low-maintenance in warmer locations. Plumeria. Lantana Camara. After they die out, the bulbs can grow back as a stunning flower. If the leaves turn yellow, you may be overwatering. This evergreen perennial is best known for its beautiful and dramatic flowers. It is almost impossible to give these hungry giants too much sunshine or nutrients. Photo Source: Here are a few tips to help you cultivate your own Amaryllis. It belongs in the sunflower family, Asteraceae. Humidity is an important element of watering, as bromeliads leaves have special scales that absorb water from the air. They should be in a brightly lighted area. It’s a small shrub or vine which has attractive and beautiful scented flowers. Water well during warmer months to allow them to dry for the winter. The Bird of Paradise is a species of flowering plant indigenous to South Africa. The Bromeliaceae family is large and diverse, including plants like pineapples and the grey curly Spanish moss popular in craft displays. Photo Source: Crocosmia. Use an airy orchid mix to pot your bromeliads, as many grow as epiphytes in nature. You may know the Chrysanthemum Morifolium as the florist’s daisy or hardy garden mum. 11Peace Lily. Spectacular Flowering Plants: Desert rose. Photo Source: They are usually more expensive in comparison to other flowering bulbs. Protea plants are more frost tolerant than most tropical flowers and can stay outdoors all year in zone 8. Photo Source: Do not place your African Violet in direct sunlight. Water when the soil becomes dry to the touch. Anthurium or flamingo flowers are most happy when their environment is humid bordering on muggy. It has fragrant flowers that are shades of pink, white, and yellow grow on a spreading tree. The genus includes both annual and perennial herbaceous plants, as well as woody shrubs and small trees. Johanna MacMinn December 18, 2015. Anthuriums are some of the most popular tropical flowers. The red, white and pink flowers are commonly used in tropical bouquets and as houseplants. Our posts may contain affiliate links, which means we may receive a commission if you click a link and purchase something that we have recommended. Bright in color and varying in shape, nonflowering plants come in a wide variety of styles to be grown successfully in any climate. A chunky, bark-based growing mix for orchids will give your plant a healthy start. Photo Source: 7. A daily misting will keep your medinilla going through the dry environs of a winter windowsill. She has years of experience in caring for flowers and plants. Success With Tropical Flowers in Cold Climates, 21 Best Cactus Plants to Grow in Your Garden, 15 Red-Flowering Plants to Consider for Your Garden, 12 Fall Plants for Container Gardens and Hanging Baskets, 10 Best Annual Flowers for the Cool Season, 20 Best Tall Plants for Container Gardens, 17 Types of Flowering Trees for Home Landscaping, 7 Good Heat-Tolerant Plants to Grow in Containers, 15 Best Zone 7 Plants to Put In Your Garden. Your digital aquarium guide. Photo Source: Hoya - Flowering House Plant The Hoya carnosa is an easy indoor house plant, requiring little attention other than watering when needed and an occasional pruning. The best varieties include Camille, Carina, Compacta, Delilah, Honeydew, Rebecca, Sparkles, and Star bright. As a result, it is also known as the paper flower. Save Comment 13 Like 21. The Cosmos Bipinnatus typically grow 2-4 feet tall on erect stems with pinnatisect. Not only will clivia grow in your previously barren north-facing windowsill, it likes to be on the dry side, grows best with minimal fertilizer, and is happiest when root bound in a crowded pot. Share. Chinese Hibiscus. These tropical blooms need moist air and grow better outside. Check out our list of 20 different types of tropical flowers to get inspired. Ylang-ylang. These unique flowers are perfect for gardens, but some of them also look great in bouquets. Clerodendrum. If purchased while dormant, water the bulbs just enough to make sure the soil is evenly moist. He sent a specimen to Hermann Wendland at Berlin’s Royal Botanic Gardens. Established plants can be watered once or twice per week. You may also hear them called tail flowers, flamingo flowers, or laceleaf. The Bromeliaceae family is large and diverse, including plants like pineapples and the grey curly Spanish moss popular in craft displays. In the winter try to keep your. However, the cheerful magenta or red bracts will appear quickly on new transplants you install in the spring. It is now also found in Mexico and the Chagos Archipelago. Check out 170+ other kinds of flowers, Everything you want to know about Types of Flowers, Flower Pictures, Rose Color Meanings, Gardening Tips, Quotes and more. The orchid family (Orchidaceae) contains hundreds of genera and tens of thousands of species, so if you have not experienced success yet with these exotic plants, give it another try. Also known as Giant Spider Lily, this tropical plant is super easy to grow! Locals also make use of the blood lily as a remedy for coughs and digestive problems. Also known as red-hot cattail, Acalypha hispida may need supplementary lighting with a grow light to successfully overwinter. These beautiful tropical blooms also now grow in Puerto Rico. Water your blanket flowers roughly every other day. The Plumeria Rubra belongs to the genus Plumeria. Allamanda, Yellow Bell, Golden Trumpet and Buttercup are all names given to this cute little yellow flower. Recognize them by a long spur behind the petals. It's a favorite indoor tropical plant for its attractive deep green foliage and long-lasting blooms. Baron von Saint Paul discovered the African Violet Saintpaulia in 1892. The flowers are bracts that come in red, pink, white, and dramatic burgundy hues. Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, Bromeliad (Aechmea or Guzmania genera of the Bromeliaceae family). Tropical Magnolia. Provide these shrubs with a large container, partial sun, and regular water. Its flowers are papery and come in a variety of shades, such as fuschia, pink, white or … A flowering orchid is the quintessential tropical plant. Europeans discovered this beautiful flower in South Africa. If leaves split vertically, they need more sun. Need a decent amount of light but not direct sunlight. Once fully established, blanket flowers can tolerate extreme drought conditions. Gardenia. Two succulent  plants  share the common  name  of hens-and-chicks. Facebook. They come in nearly every color and shade imaginable. Popularly known as desert rose, Adenium is a gorgeous flowering plant and ideal for bonsai gardens. Clivia miniata, sometimes called natal lily, is coveted by many gardeners as a tough houseplant that thrives in low light areas. Plant proteas in a sandy potting mix and water once or twice a week. From a small bulb, it will grow quickly into a 5–6 feet tall shrub, with long graceful leaves and enormous flower stalks. Pichkari. 9. Photo Source: Member species are renowned for their large, showy flowers and those species are commonly known simply as "hibiscus", or less widely known as rose mallow. Wendland named it Saintpaulia ionantha after its discoverer’s last name. Photo Source: The flowering plants, also known as Angiospermae (/ ˌ æ n dʒ i oʊ ˈ s p ɜːr m iː /), or Magnoliophyta (/ m æ ɡ ˌ n oʊ l i ˈ ɒ f ɪ t ə,-oʊ f aɪ t ə /), are the most diverse group of land plants, with 64 orders, 416 families, approximately 13,000 known genera and 300,000 known species. In spite of their exotic appearance, bromeliads are surprisingly unfussy tropical plants that can tolerate a wide range of temperatures from near freezing to triple digits. Photo Source: Top Tropicals is not just a plant nursery; it is also information, photos, educational videos, plant books and magazines. In spring, plant New Guinea impatiens or regular impatiens in your tropical garden. Thank you for your support! If grown in their native range they can tolerate light frosts. Anyone who has visited a Mediterranean country will conjure memories of their trip by cultivating this vigorous vine, which grows throughout sunny, dry climates. These are medium green leaves that have darker threadlike segments. The pretty pink flowers open the performance, and soon followed by the berries, starting purple and then turning black. Jamie has written about gardening and special occasion flowers since 2011. The Cyclamen Persicum is a species of flowering herbaceous perennial plant. They grow from south-central Turkey to Lebanon-Syria and the Palestine region. Can be sensitive to changing conditions in light or temperature. The Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis is a well-branched evergreen shrub with bold cardinal-red flowers. We shall have a look at beauty beyond comparison by going through this Gardenerdy article on tropical flower names. Originally, the genus name Hippeastrum was given by Herbert and was meant to denote a “Knight’s star lily” but apparently, he himself was also uncertain about that description. The chenille plant will grow for any gardener given ample water and sunlight. Soil should be well-draining, fertile and moist. The common names of plants will, presumably, always be with us in some form or other, because they are easier to relate to and roll off the tongue better than the corresponding scientific names of plants.In an informal setting, who would be pedantic enough to prefer Cerastium tomentosum as a handle to the much more romantic "snow-in-summer"?In fact, some botanical names are downright ugly. It is native to sub-Saharan Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and Seychelles. Debra LaGattuta is a certified master gardener with decades of experience with perennial and flowering plants, container gardening, and raised bed vegetable gardening. The Blanket Flower (Gaillardia) is native to North and South America. Photo Source: Impatiens. Humidity is an important element of watering, as bromeliads leaves have special scales that absorb water from the air. You’ll often see this spectacular, colorful flower grown as an ornamental. Choose an area with full to partial shade. Passion Flower. It is however a very showy and valuable plant for the shade. Fountain Tree. Bird of Paradise. See more ideas about tropical plants, plants, tropical. Tropical flowering plants produce some of the most beautiful blooms in the world. If you notice yellow leaves, you are likely overwatering. They are moderately drought tolerant, and best results come with consistent moisture. Blood lilies cannot handle frost and need to remain at a temperature of 41 degrees or higher. Nandi Flame. Plant in spring after the last frost, late summer or early fall (before September 15th). Provide flamingo flowers with rich, moist soil and protect from temperatures below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. The Ipomoea Muricata is also known as the Morning Glory. Rudra Palash. If you love tropical plants but don’t live near the tropics, we’ve got 10 tropicals that can grow outside the warm, balmy locale. Tropical plants make it easy to create an eye-catching combination in a large container. Print. Other names include hardy hibiscus, rose of sharon, and tropical hibiscus. Author Sofia Posted on July 4, 2018 April 2, 2019. They’re adaptable to almost any landscape, including the home environment. Malaysian orchid – Medinilla cumingii . Acalypha, Alpinia, Bougainvillea, Coleos, Coloccasia, Cordylines, Caladiums, Calatheas, Clivia, Croton, Cyathea Cooperi, Calotropis Gigantea, Frangipani, Gardenia, Heliconias, Hibiscus, Impatiens, Iresine, Ixora, Fagraea Berteriana or ‘Perfume Flower Tree’, Caesalpiniodae ‘Candle Bush’, Microsorium Scolopendria Plypodium, Philodendron, Liriope, Mandevilla, Musa, Pachystachys lutea … I even know of one tropical plant with a black bloom. You can leave them outdoors and treat them like annuals, or if you have lots of light in your home, keep them over winter as houseplants to be used outdoors again next spring. Image Credit: County Line Nursery. This plant has downward-facing flowers which provide nectar to birds. This plant thrives in temperatures from 50-65 degrees. These flowers are partial to full sun, so be sure to keep them in a bright and sunny area. Pot it in orchid bark, water sparingly, and provide it with dappled sunlight and moderate temperatures. If you are plagued by soggy, boggy soil, make cannas a garden staple, as they will even grow in standing water. You can use this ornamental flowering bush as a specimen plant or along borders in a desert landscape in your backyard. These flowers need bright light with some sun for part of the day. The blanket flower looks like brightly patterned blankets made by Native Americans. This flowering plant is truly exotic and unique, which makes it an irresistible indoor tropical house plant. However, their beautiful foliage in a mix shade of green, white and yellow makes them fantastic Tropical Foliage Plants. It’s important to remember a few tips for growing these delicate beauties. A half-day of sun is adequate to coax blooming in late winter through spring. It is a favorite garden and park plant and commonly used in temples and cemeteries. Be sure to give them plenty of space to expand if planting outdoors. These rain forest natives thrive outdoors in only very moist, tropical climates. Plumeria Flower. Photo Source: While indoors (especially during cold winters), give jasmine bright but indirect light and a cool location. It grows in woodland habitats in South Africa and Swaziland. It is a tropical, evergreen shrub and produces white, yellow, orange, pink, and red in clusters. See full store directory. Partial shade is best. Plant these bright blooms in well-draining soil and avoid clay soil. Other names for this desert-dwelling shrub are wild lilac, ash-bush, Texas silverleaf, and purple sage. These list of exotic  Tropical Flowers  include  flowers  like African Moon, African Tulip, …   Flower Name (with Scientific  Name), About the  Flower,  Flower  Image … seen in colors ranging from pink to … Common and easy to grow types. Adenium. The soil should be fertile, moist and well-drained. Tiny white flowers appear in clusters surrounded by colorful papery bracts. If you live in a cooler climate you'll need a plan for keeping your tropical plants healthy in the winter, and in many cases, these plants are at best tender container perennials that must be brought indoors or treated as seasonal annuals and discarded at the end of the season. Prune hard in the fall when you bring it inside for the winter. Bougainvillea: This thorny shrub or vine-like plant grows throughout the Southwestern and Southeastern United States. If you have successfully cared for an orchid, treat your medinilla the same way—it grows as an epiphyte in the wild. Check the full plant assortment . Size: Up to 3 … Some of the least expensive and most beautiful are members of the hibiscus family and orchid families. It grows in woodland habitats in South Africa and Swaziland. The flower’s name comes from M. Gaillard de Charentonneau. This way you can easily overview and choose the right plants for your aquarium. This house plant has one of those unique tropical house plants name, famed for its velvety soft grayish silver leaves. It grows from a tuber and is native to rocky hillsides, shrubland, and woodland up to 3,900 feet above sea level. There is nothing like a few pots of pink, purple, and red pentas to bring the butterflies and hummingbirds flocking to your deck or patio. This shrub loves well-draining soil and thrives well in warm climates. You can choose varieties that complement any color scheme, as the blooms come in hot shades like yellow, orange, and red, as well as cool tones like pink, white, and purple. Blue passion flower grows best in full sun to partial shade. They’re extra colorful in the warmer months. Water well during warmer months to allow them to dry for the winter. Keep the soil evenly moist in the spring through fall months, but water less in the winter. Another deceiving common name – it’s not an orchid and it doesn’t come from Malaysia. Bottlebrush (Callistemon) Should not be in temperatures below 50 degrees. Brunfelsia. The blue and orange blooms resemble a tropical bird. Bring your ginger plants indoors when temperatures dip below 50 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent leaf tips from browning. Tropical Flowers Tropical Garden Tropical Plants Pink Flowers Unusual Flowers Beautiful Flowers Ginger Plant Flower Curcuma Plant Hawaiian Gardens Pink shell ginger (Alpinia) available all year round Pink and Red Shell ginger flowers (Alpinia) Available all year round Jasmine. If grown in their native range they can tolerate light frosts. However, as with most tropicals, hot and humid conditions are required for thriving plants. Be sure to water your Birds of Paradise often. Repot any offshoots that form after flowering, as the parent plant will usually decline as the flower withers. When it comes to the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, if you provide ample sunshine and generous water, you will receive nonstop blooms up to eight inches in diameter throughout the growing season. The Heliconia Rostrata is also known as hanging lobster claw or the false bird of paradise. This flower attracts butterflies to your garden. List of flower names A to Z with pictures. The tropical hibiscus brings a flamenco vibe to the patio and container garden even for beginners. This flower is a popular ornamental plant with a soft and fruity scent. Bougainvillea. The leaves are shaped like that of a lamb’s ear, thus the name. Types of Flowers, Flower Pictures, Rose Color Meanings & More. Tropical Flowering Plants Names. They are a glossy red, pink, or white heart-shaped flower with glossy, dark green leaves. As the plant grows, make sure to keep the dirt moist during warmer weather. They also grow in Algeria, Tunisia, and on the Greek Islands of Rhodes, Karpathos, and Crete. Its throat shows the shades of purple and brown. The vines demand a full day of sunshine, which means you should not plan on overwintering the plants in your home. Humidity is just as important as watering for healthy plants. The Clivia Miniata is a flowering plant in the genus Clivia of the family Amaryllidaceae. If you’re interested in making a statement, you’ll love our list of tropical flowers. These plant species can be found in all corners of the world, including woodlands, deserts and tropical rain forests. Plants that don’t produce flowers are a great way to add depth, texture and waves of color to your space without all the maintenance that flowering plants can bring. Most of these plants have flowers that can be used in tropical flower arrangements or made into leis. Frequent pruning Honeydew, Rebecca, Sparkles, and best results come with consistent moisture plants when... ” feature their scent, they need more sun you should not plan on the! 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