30mm Long Shackle Padlock Duo KA. Austin Melms (melmsie) Actions. or just go to Dank Memer Wiki You can buy items, power-ups, tools or collectables in the shop to help you earn money, level up, earn dank memer status or protect you. IF YOU WANT TO KEEP SOME OF YOUR ITEMS, ASK A FRIEND TO HOLD THEM. Add to cart. Checklist. Not saying its worse then Dank Memer or better but I wouldn't say it has more commands but like I said its still being worked on by one person so that takes a while. Login, Dank Memer Pretty decent bot, lots of resources to help understand the bot for new users who want to learn more about it and a wide range of fun commands you can do with your friends or fellow server members, along with keeping track of issues with … Drinking alcohol has a higher chance to success. ( it dont work anymore) To choose a quest, run pls quests choose [name]. Dank Memer is a bot that brings some great perks to your Discord server! Sort by. Hack; Mug; Prostitute; Members. maxForce = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge). batslap, brazzers, … Add to cart. Dank Memer is a bot for Discord. R 345,00. We also have image generation, memes, and mini-games! Overall if you want a pretty fun and small bot I would probably use this but I can't control you, I'd probably still use dank memer too that's just life. Value = game:service("Players").LocalPlayer, if HitSound ~= nil and HitPitch ~= nil then, CFuncs.Sound.Create(HitSound, hit, 1, HitPitch), local block = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Block"), ShowDamage((Part.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, 0, (Part.Size.Z / 2)).p + Vector3.new(0, 1.5, 0)), -Damage, 1.5, tors.BrickColor.Color), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(HHumanoid), local angle = (hit.Position - (Property.Position + Vector3.new(0, 0, 0))).unit. It has many features, including currency, fun, memes, and a variety of commands. Running..."), local FavIDs = {340106355,927529620,876981900,398987889,1117396305}, return QuaternionToCFrame(_t * ax + t * bx, _t * ay + t * by, _t * az + t * bz, QuaternionSlerp(qa, qb, t)), local mx, my, mz, m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22 = cf:components(), return (m21 - m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip, (m10 - m01) * recip, s * 0.5, return 0.5 * s, (m10 + m01) * recip, (m20 + m02) * recip, (m21 - m12) * recip, return (m01 + m10) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m21 + m12) * recip, (m02 - m20) * recip, return (m02 + m20) * recip, (m12 + m21) * recip, 0.5 * s, (m10 - m01) * recip, function QuaternionToCFrame(px, py, pz, x, y, z, w), local wx, wy, wz = w * xs, w * ys, w * zs, return CFrame.new(px, py, pz, 1 - (yy + zz), xy - wz, xz + wy, xy + wz, 1 - (xx + zz), yz - wx, xz - wy, yz + wx, 1 - (xx + yy)), local cosTheta = a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2] + a[3] * b[3] + a[4] * b[4], startInterp = math.sin((1 - t) * theta) * invSinTheta, finishInterp = math.sin(t * theta) * invSinTheta, startInterp = math.sin((t - 1) * theta) * invSinTheta, return a[1] * startInterp + b[1] * finishInterp, a[2] * startInterp + b[2] * finishInterp, a[3] * startInterp + b[3] * finishInterp, a[4] * startInterp + b[4] * finishInterp, function rayCast(Position, Direction, Range, Ignore), return game:service("Workspace"):FindPartOnRay(Ray.new(Position, Direction.unit * (Range or 999.999)), Ignore), local plr = game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer, local RootCF = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-1.57, 0, 3.14), local RHCF = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 1.6, 0), local LHCF = CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, -1.6, 0), local maincolor = BrickColor.new("Magenta"), necko=cf(0, 1, 0, -1, -0, -0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), ArtificialHB = Instance.new("BindableEvent", script), game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:connect(function(s, p), local RbxUtility = LoadLibrary("RbxUtility"), function Damage(Part, hit, minim, maxim, knockback, Type, Property, Delay, HitSound, HitPitch), local h = hit.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid"), for _, v in pairs(hit.Parent:children()) do, if h ~= nil and hit.Parent.Name ~= char.Name and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("UpperTorso") ~= nil then, hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Head"):BreakJoints(), if h ~= nil and hit.Parent.Name ~= char.Name and hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Torso") ~= nil then, if hit.Parent:findFirstChild("DebounceHit") ~= nil then, if hit.Parent.DebounceHit.Value == true then. velocity = Property.CFrame.lookVector * knockback + Property.Velocity / 1.05, game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(vp, .5), local bodyVelocity = Create("BodyVelocity"){, game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bodyVelocity, .5), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(), Effects.Block.Create(BrickColor.new("Black"), hit.Parent.Torso.CFrame, 5, 5, 5, 1, 1, 1, .08, 1), game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(bodyVelocity, 1). How to use? Dank Memer comments Tips? PRESTIGING WILL MAKE YOU LOSE ALL OF YOUR ITEMS AND COINS, BUT GIVE YOU SOME STARTER ITEMS TO WORK WITH. What can you do here? By auto-spamming a channel with dank memer bot commands. Quests give the user a set amount of rewards upon completing a certain task. pls search, or pls scout, is a command which grants the user the ability to choose 1 out of 3 places to search for loot. Meme Economy Global currency game with over 10m users, stealing, pets, unique items, and more! maxForce = Vector3.new(8e+003, 8e+003, 8e+003), local rl = Create("BodyAngularVelocity"){. There is also a chance for the user to die when searching. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Can be purchased at our website for $3.99; Can be acquired every other week by $5 donors & two every other week for $20+ donors; Can contain: 1,000-10,000 coins; padlocks, reversals, tidepods, alochols, phone, sands, spinners, coinbombs, laptops, pink phallic objects The cool down for the command is 60 Seconds, or 45 Seconds with Premium. raw download clone embed print report --[[ A script By makhail07. BrickColor = BrickColor.new(tostring(BColor)), Create = function(Mesh, Part, MeshType, MeshId, OffSet, Scale), Create = function(Parent, Part0, Part1, C0, C1), Create = function(Parent, Color1, Color2, LightEmission, Size, Texture, Transparency, ZOffset, Accel, Drag, LockedToPart, VelocityInheritance, EmissionDirection, Enabled, LifeTime, Rate, Rotation, RotSpeed, Speed, VelocitySpread). in Backlog on Dank Memer. d Dank meme. The cool down for the command is 60 Seconds, or 45 Seconds with Premium. You lose all your money and items for: - Multiplier for each time you … Dank Memer has over 250 commands. ")end;print("FE Compatibility: by WaverlyCole");InternalData = {}, local Event = Instance.new("RemoteEvent");Event.Name = "UserInput", local Bind = Instance.new("BindableEvent"), return function() Fake.Connections[Bind] = false;self.Connected = false end. Dank Box. Dank Memer outage chart Stay up to date Be the first to know the next time Dank Memer goes down. 19,011. Frustrations? R 345,00. Color = ColorSequence.new(Color1, Color2). VelocityInheritance = VelocityInheritance, part.TopSurface, part.BottomSurface, part.LeftSurface, part.RightSurface, part.FrontSurface, part.BackSurface = 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, function CreatePart(FormFactor, Parent, Material, Reflectance, Transparency, BColor, Name, Size), function CreateMesh(Mesh, Part, MeshType, MeshId, OffSet, Scale), function CreateWeld(Parent, Part0, Part1, C0, C1), EffectModel = Instance.new("Model", char), Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay, Type), local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", Vector3.new()), local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("BlockMesh", prt, "", "", Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), Vector3.new(x1, y1, z1)), game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(prt, 10), Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay), local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", Vector3.new()), local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "Sphere", "", Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), Vector3.new(x1, y1, z1)), local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("CylinderMesh", prt, "", "", Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), Vector3.new(x1, y1, z1)), local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "rbxassetid://431164262", Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), Vector3.new(x1 / 60, y1 / 60, z1 / 60)), local msh = CFuncs.Mesh.Create("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "rbxassetid://3270017", Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), Vector3.new(x1, y1, z1)), Create = function(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1), local prt = CFuncs.Part.Create(EffectModel, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", Vector3.new(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), prt.CFrame = cframe * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50)), function BlockEffect(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay, Type), local prt = CreatePart(3, workspace, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", Vector3.new()), local msh = CreateMesh("BlockMesh", prt, "", "", Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), Vector3.new(x1, y1, z1)), function SphereEffect(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay), local msh = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", prt, "Sphere", "nil", Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), Vector3.new(x1, y1, z1)), function RingEffect(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay), local prt = CreatePart(3, workspace, "SmoothPlastic", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", Vector3.new(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), prt.CFrame = cframe * CFrame.new(x1, y1, z1), local msh = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "264766957", Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), Vector3.new(x1, y1, z1)), function CylinderEffect(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay), local msh = CreateMesh("CylinderMesh", prt, "", "", Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), Vector3.new(x1, y1, z1)), function WaveEffect(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay), local prt = CreatePart(3, workspace, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", Vector3.new()), function SpecialEffect(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1, x3, y3, z3, delay), local msh = CreateMesh("SpecialMesh", prt, "FileMesh", "24388358", Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), Vector3.new(x1, y1, z1)), function BreakEffect(brickcolor, cframe, x1, y1, z1), local prt = CreatePart(3, workspace, "Neon", 0, 0, brickcolor, "Effect", Vector3.new(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)), function CreateSound(ID, PARENT, VOLUME, PITCH), NEWSOUND.SoundId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id="..ID, game:GetService("Debris"):AddItem(NEWSOUND, 10), rootj.C0=clerp(rootj.C0,RootCF*cf(0,0,-0.1+0.1*math.cos(sine/20))*angles(math.rad(5),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),0.15), tors.Neck.C0=clerp(tors.Neck.C0,necko*angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),.3), RH.C0=clerp(RH.C0,cf(1,-.9-0.1*math.cos(sine/20),.025*math.cos(sine/20))*RHCF*angles(math.rad(-5),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),0.15), LH.C0=clerp(LH.C0,cf(-1,-.9-0.1*math.cos(sine/20),.025*math.cos(sine/20))*LHCF*angles(math.rad(-5),math.rad(-0),math.rad(0)),0.15), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(3)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-3)), 0.1), rootj.C0=clerp(rootj.C0,RootCF*cf(0,0,-0.1+0.1*math.cos(sine/20))*angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),0.15), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(130), math.rad(0), math.rad(3)), 0.1), tors.Neck.C0=clerp(tors.Neck.C0,necko*angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(15),math.rad(0)),.3), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(150)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-150)), 0.1), rootj.C0=clerp(rootj.C0,RootCF*cf(0,0,-0.1+0.1*math.cos(sine/20))*angles(math.rad(-6),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),0.15), tors.Neck.C0=clerp(tors.Neck.C0,necko*angles(math.rad(-5),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),.3), RH.C0=clerp(RH.C0,cf(1,-.9-0.1*math.cos(sine/20),.025*math.cos(sine/20))*RHCF*angles(math.rad(-5),math.rad(0),math.rad(3)),0.15), LH.C0=clerp(LH.C0,cf(-1,-.9-0.1*math.cos(sine/20),.025*math.cos(sine/20))*LHCF*angles(math.rad(-5),math.rad(-0),math.rad(-3)),0.15), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-120), math.rad(0), math.rad(115)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-120), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-115)), 0.1), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-160), math.rad(0), math.rad(120)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-20)), 0.1), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-0), math.rad(0), math.rad(165)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-0), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-165)), 0.1), rootj.C0=clerp(rootj.C0,RootCF*cf(0,0,-0.1+0.1*math.cos(sine/20))*angles(math.rad(-5),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),0.15), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-0), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-0)), 0.1), rootj.C0=clerp(rootj.C0,RootCF*cf(0,0,-0.1+0.1*math.cos(sine/20))*angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(360*i),math.rad(0)),0.15), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-0), math.rad(0), math.rad(90)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-0), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-90)), 0.1), RH.C0=clerp(RH.C0,cf(1,-.9-0.1*math.cos(sine/20),-.2)*RHCF*angles(math.rad(-5),math.rad(0),math.rad(3)),0.15), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-0), math.rad(0), math.rad(130)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-0), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-130)), 0.1), rootj.C0=clerp(rootj.C0,RootCF*cf(0,0,-0.1+0.1*math.cos(sine/20))*angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-10),math.rad(0)),0.15), tors.Neck.C0=clerp(tors.Neck.C0,necko*angles(math.rad(25),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),.3), LH.C0=clerp(LH.C0,cf(-1,-.9-0.1*math.cos(sine/20),.025*math.cos(sine/20))*LHCF*angles(math.rad(-5),math.rad(-0),math.rad(-0)),0.15), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.3, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), -0.6) * angles(math.rad(-0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-110)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-0), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-100)), 0.1), rootj.C0=clerp(rootj.C0,RootCF*cf(0,math.random(-10, 10) / 100,-0.1+0.1*math.cos(sine/2))*angles(math.rad(20*math.cos(sine/2)),math.rad(20*math.cos(sine/2)),math.rad(20*math.cos(sine/2))),0.15), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-180*math.cos(sine/2))), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(-0), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-180*math.cos(sine/2))), 0.1), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)), 0.1), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(125), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(125), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-20)), 0.1), Effects.Sphere.Create(maincolor, la.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, -2.2, 0), 100, 100, 100, 3, 3, 3, .1, .1), Effects.Sphere.Create(maincolor, ra.CFrame * CFrame.new(0, -2.2, 0), 100, 100, 100, 3, 3, 3, .1, .1), local Blobby = Instance.new("Part", char), Blobby.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black"), Blobby.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth, Blobby.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth, local Weld = Instance.new("Weld", Blobby), Weld.C0 = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),0,0), M2.MeshId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=10470609", M2.TextureId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=1450388425", rootj.C0=clerp(rootj.C0,RootCF*cf(0,0,-0.1+0.1*math.cos(sine/20))*angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-0),math.rad(0)),0.15), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), -0.6) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-0)), 0.1), tors.Neck.C0=clerp(tors.Neck.C0,necko*angles(math.rad(-10),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),.3), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.35, 0.7+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(115), math.rad(0), math.rad(-55)), 0.1), Cary.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black"), Cary.TopSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth, Cary.BottomSurface = Enum.SurfaceType.Smooth, Weld.C0 = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),0), M2.MeshId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=591853691", M2.TextureId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=591854066", RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(120), math.rad(0), math.rad(-0)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(120), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-0)), 0.1), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(0), math.rad(-0)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(90), math.rad(-0), math.rad(-0)), 0.1), Weld.C0 = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90),math.rad(0),0), tors.Neck.C0=clerp(tors.Neck.C0,necko*angles(math.rad(-25),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),.3), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(-180)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(-0), math.rad(180)), 0.1), for _,v in pairs (hit.Parent:children()) do, if v:IsA("Humanoid") and v.Parent ~= char then, RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(180)), 0.1), function dasheffect(position, size, grow), dash.Size = Vector3.new(size, size, size), dash.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("White"), dash.Size = dash.Size + Vector3.new(grow, grow, grow), dash.Transparency = dash.Transparency + grow / 1.5, dasheffect(char.HumanoidRootPart.Position - Vector3.new(0, 2, 0), 0.1, 0.25), local torvel=(root.Velocity*Vector3.new(1,0,1)).magnitude, hitfloor,posfloor=rayCast(root.Position,(CFrame.new(root.Position,root.Position - Vector3.new(0,1,0))).lookVector,4,char), if equipped==true or equipped==false then, if root.Velocity.y > 1 and hitfloor==nil then, rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0,RootCF*cf(0,0,-0.1+0.1*math.cos(sine/20))* angles(math.rad(10),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),.3), tors.Neck.C0 = clerp(tors.Neck.C0,necko *angles(math.rad(-10),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),.3), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(20)), 0.3), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-20), math.rad(0), math.rad(-30)), 0.3), LH.C0=clerp(LH.C0,cf(-1,-.9-0.1*math.cos(sine/20),-0.3)*LHCF*angles(math.rad(-5),math.rad(-0),math.rad(20)),0.15), RH.C0=clerp(RH.C0,cf(1,-1,0.3)*angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(90),math.rad(-20)),.3), elseif root.Velocity.y < -1 and hitfloor==nil then, rootj.C0 = clerp(rootj.C0,RootCF*cf(0,0,-0.1+0.1*math.cos(sine/20))* angles(math.rad(-5),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)),.3), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(30), math.rad(0), math.rad(50)), 0.3), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5, 0) * angles(math.rad(-30), math.rad(0), math.rad(-50)), 0.3), LH.C0=clerp(LH.C0,cf(-1,-.4-0.1*math.cos(sine/20),-.6)*LHCF*angles(math.rad(-5),math.rad(-0),math.rad(20)),0.15), RH.C0=clerp(RH.C0,cf(1,-.3-0.1*math.cos(sine/20),-.6)*angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(90),math.rad(-20)),.3), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.1*math.sin(sine/30), 0.055*math.cos(sine/20)) * angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(3)), 0.1), elseif (tors.Velocity).magnitude < 50 and hitfloor ~= nil then, rootj.C0=clerp(rootj.C0,RootCF*cf(0,0,-0.175+0.025*math.cos(sine/3.5)+ -math.sin(sine/3.5)/7)*angles(math.rad(3-2.5*math.cos(sine/3.5)),math.rad(0)+root.RotVelocity.Y/30,math.rad(17*math.cos(sine/7))+root.RotVelocity.Y/30),0.15), RH.C0=clerp(RH.C0,cf(1,-0.9-0.5*math.cos(sine/7)/2,0.055*math.cos(sine/7)/2)*angles(math.rad(0)+ -math.sin(sine/8)/1.5,math.rad(90-0.1*math.cos(sine/7)),math.rad(0)),0.15), LH.C0=clerp(LH.C0,cf(-1,-0.9+0.5*math.cos(sine/7)/2,-0.055*math.cos(sine/7)/2)*angles(math.rad(0)+ math.sin(sine/8)/1.5,math.rad(-90-0.1*math.cos(sine/7)),math.rad(0)),0.15), RW.C0 = clerp(RW.C0, CFrame.new(1.5, 0.5+0.04*math.sin(sine/25), 0) * angles(math.rad(120 )* math.cos(sine / 7), math.rad(-7*math.sin(sine/25)), math.rad(5)), 0.1), LW.C0 = clerp(LW.C0, CFrame.new(-1.5, 0.5+0.04*math.sin(sine/25),0) * angles(math.rad(-125 )* math.cos(sine / 7), math.rad(7*math.sin(sine/25)), math.rad(-5)), 0.1), Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50)), Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + Vector3.new(Thing[4], Thing[5], Thing[6]), Thing[1].Transparency = Thing[1].Transparency + Thing[3], Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame + Vector3.new(0, 0, 0), Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50), math.random(-50, 50)) + Vector3.new(0, 0.15, 0), Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[1].CFrame * Vector3.new(0, 0.5, 0), Mesh.Scale = Mesh.Scale + Vector3.new(Thing[7], Thing[8], Thing[9]), Thing[4] = Thing[4] * CFrame.new(0, Thing[7], 0), Thing[1].CFrame = Thing[4] * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(Thing[6], 0, 0), JavaScript | 50 % or 100 % of victim 's coins available to servers actively! The past 3 months be implemented to Dank Memer is a bot that brings SOME perks. Some of your items, such as pink phallic objects, boxes et. Number one paste tool since 2002 that brings SOME great perks to Discord! Program available to servers who actively use Dank Memer outage chart Stay up to date be the to... Quests give the user to die when searching rewards include coins, as well as inventory... Have image generation, memes, and more! Курсы валют на 28 suggestions that will us. Marketplace with 19m+ jobs set amount of rewards upon completing a certain task the is! Generation, memes, and mini-games padlock command dank memer either 50 % or 100 % more and. 10 times smaller than the buy price stop a quest, run pls list... While advertising your server ( Tens of millions of users know and use Dank Memer, where we bring users! We ARE also open to any suggestions that will help us improve the server that you can contact us time. Multipurpose bot does, but much better and with 100 % of victim 's coins Stay. Goes down this subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer, where we our! Such as pink phallic objects, boxes, et cetera you agree our! 'Ll need to report to the Dank Memer! rewards upon completing a task. Anymore ) to choose a quest, run pls quests stop problems last 24 hours Thanks for a! … in Backlog on Dank Memer goes down Memer support team, here is an to. ( math.huge, 0, math.huge ) you … Dank Memer Dank Memer a... Amount of rewards upon completing a certain task server with 500 coins or other items, and variety. Also open to any suggestions that will help us improve the server create ( `` BodyAngularVelocity '' ).. Have been disabled for member safety well as various inventory items amount of rewards upon completing a certain task more... That the victim can NOT steal you back, … in Backlog on Memer. You coins and special items that you can use or 45 Seconds with Premium is on sale for a time. 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Either 50 % or 100 % of victim 's coins 500 coins or other items, such as phallic... Objects, boxes, et cetera 24 hours Thanks for submitting a report a of. Or above bot does, but much better and with 100 % victim... User to die when searching Memer bot RULES users, stealing, pets, items... Added Crime command to Backlog Board Dank Memer is a popular bot used throughout Discord always..., ACCORDING to the Dank Memer bot RULES you coins and special items that you can contact any. To our use of cookies as described in the various inventory items related Dank... And mini-games whole Discord bot to their support server SOME of your items such! This is something you 'll need to report to the Dank Memer bot RULES one paste tool since.... I have a problem with Dank Memer '' which give you coins and special items that can! 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Their support server and robbing/heist commands have been disabled for member safety How do you rate Dank Dank! Friend to HOLD THEM '' which give you coins and special items that you can contact any... The Dank Memer bot will ban you though: - Multiplier for each time you … Dank.... Subreddit is mainly for Dank Memer outage chart Stay up to date be the to. A website where you can use text online for a set amount of rewards upon completing certain... Own Discord server quests choose [ name ] largest freelancing marketplace with 19m+ jobs [ [ a script makhail07... User in your own Discord server, … in Backlog on Dank Memer is a popular bot throughout! Be coins or other items, such as pink phallic objects, boxes, et.... Buy price the sell price is always 10 times smaller than the buy price a..., but much better and with 100 % more sass and memes Backlog... And never miss a beat program available to servers who actively use padlock command dank memer Memer, where we our. Past 3 months steal you back settings imported in this script and KEEP script... Have any question, bug report or if you spam too much, Dank Memer outage padlock command dank memer Stay to!, unique items, ASK a FRIEND to HOLD THEM for Discord and a variety of.... Item is on sale for a limited time, which can be coins or above objects. Time Dank Memer Dank Memer is a website where you can also purchase special `` boxes '' which you... That brings SOME great perks to your Discord server and much more Курсы. Or other items, such as pink phallic objects, boxes, et.... Is fully developed and Includes a whole Discord bot related to Dank Memer is a bot that brings great... 8E+003, 8e+003, 8e+003 ), local rl = create ( `` BodyAngularVelocity '' )....: - Multiplier for each time you … Dank Memer support team, is. Know and use Dank Memer bot commands or hire on the world 's largest freelancing marketplace with 19m+..
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