Used by permission of Moody Press. (1 Corinthians 11:11). She pointed working women to the working women of the Bible as our mentors. Man’s Designer and Creator knows best how we were designed to function as His creatures. Lydia, in Acts 16, was the first convert in Europe and hosted the church at Philippi. But in Scripture there is a clear command for a ministry by women to women. What do you think is implied by the sentence “The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame”? How much more valuable are those who have been redeemed at the greatest price, the precious blood of Jesus Christ, the very Son of Almighty God. In the following passage, God provided a biblical format of mentoring within the family to ensure that faith in the one true and living God would be passed from generation to generation. Therefore, this image should be reflected wherever possible. (Genesis 1:26–31). Jesus/Disciples. Single women will learn that they have value and opportunities for ministry. 7. For women of the Bible devotions or further women of the Bible study, consider these recommended resources: Have you read a great fiction or non-fiction book about women of the Bible? We must teach them the Word so that they know God’s standards in order to be equipped for ministry. . If you think there are issues in your church, take a … For more detailed information, please visit our Affiliate Disclaimer page   What do you think of when…, This page/post may contain affiliate links. Throughout the Bible, sexuality within marriage is honored, valued, and celebrated; however, sexual relationships outside of marriage are consistently condemned. God puts people in our lives at just the right time, 5. What do men and women share as persons created in the image of God? Take, for instance, the gift of pastoring. Her words “If I perish, I perish” are understood by all women who risk obedience to God in perplexing and difficult situations. It includes a video and additional downloads. In much the same way, the end result in any women’s ministry will depend largely upon the kind of planted seed, the source of our presuppositions and our activities. The word “mentor” is defined as “a wise and trusted counselor or teacher.” Although “mentoring” doesn’t appear in the Bible, Scripture does give us numerous examples of mentoring. Like Lydia and Priscilla, many hosted the early church meetings. We can be sure that if women had not been involved, those homes would not have been available. We must examine our beliefs and attitudes about women and be certain that they are biblical rather than traditional or cultural. Marriages are strengthened. She could complete him because she was his equal in personhood. The settings may change. A music student begins by observing how an instrument is played. She impacted generations to come by her act of bravery. Abigail rescued her household by demonstrating great courage and initiative. 8. For more on each of these lessons from one of the most interesting women of the Bible, Elizabeth, click continue reading. Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”. I’m always on the hunt for great Bible-based reading. Hello precious ladies, here is part two of our "Lessons from the Bible for Today's Single Woman".Today, we will be looking at mentorship for single women from a Biblical standpoint. God’s image is man, male and female, created equals, to be in perfect harmony with one another and with their Creator. We see numerous examples of mentoring relationships taking place throughout the Bible. 8 of the remarkable women in the Bible and the life lessons we can take from them - even today. What aspects of redemption are shared by men and women? Neither one could have done it alone, so it was a joint blessing. Your choice, read it here or have it forever. It is likely that she was like prominent Christian women today who sponsor significant projects for missions and outreach or who network to put those seeking to promote evangelism in touch with other significant people. Lois of 2 Timothy. But, the promises of God remain true. God is Jehovah Jireh and He Always Provides, 3. When you can demonstrate from Scripture how God values them and they begin to serve Him with enthusiasm and growing freedom, there is no limit to what can happen as God works through them in your congregation. He was put to death in the body but made alive by the Spirit” (3:18). As an Amazon Associate, as well as an affiliate of other programs, this means if you purchase something using these links, I will receive a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you! In the latter passage, Miriam is clearly called one of the leaders of Israel. by Susan DiMickele Description As working women struggle to find mentors in today's society, Working Women of the Bible asks, what if the women of Scripture are the very mentors we've been looking for? Ephesians 4:11–12 tells us that gifted people are given to the church to prepare God’s people for works of service. It is also interesting to realize that Jesus let women travel with Him during His public ministry (Matthew 27:55; Luke 8:1–3). Ministry leaders are eager to mentor others, but find themselves unable to personally meet the needs of the many women wanting to be discipled. As an Amazon Associate, as well as an affiliate of other programs, this means if you purchase something using these links, I will receive a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you! Most Christian women long for a mentor in the faith. You will be able to stand firm and press onward regardless of obstacles. Only four times is it used to speak of people helping people, peer helping peer. Decisions Made Today, Can Impact Generations. As an Amazon Associate, as well as an affiliate of other programs, this means if you purchase something using these links, I will receive a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you! They were very influential in the church at Philippi and had a valuable ministry with Paul, something rarely noted because the reference in Philippians deals with a difficulty between these two women. With Him, no superiority or inferiority based on race, social class, or gender exists. God brought all the animals before Adam first to demonstrate that not one there was for him. To read the full post, including her story and the lessons we can learn from her, click continue reading. When was marriage instituted? This is another great woman in the Bible that I just love to read about and study. C hristian women mentoring other Christian women is a Biblical principle that Paul exhorted Titus to teach. Paul calls her a “fellow worker” in Romans 16 and says that she and her husband risked their lives for him. Some women in the Bible are standouts because of their long-lasting influential power. Working Women of the Bible book. There is almost no limit to what women can do today. Mentoring is understood to go further and deeper than most friendships. Beauty On The Inside is More Important Than Beauty on The Outside, 5. In 1 Corinthians 12 we see that each woman receives spiritual gifts for the building up of the body, not just for herself. They can evangelize, teach, serve on church staffs and committees, and be administrators. We will be looking mainly at the story of Ruth and taking glimpses of the story of Esther. In the next chapter we will discuss women as called to ministry. Physical intimacy is one of God’s richest gifts, given with love to be fully enjoyed within the protective fence of marriage, between one woman and one man. We Should Bless Others Whenever We Have the Opportunity (and not be selfish), 6. Male leaders in the home and church should not think of themselves as prison wardens whose job it is to confine and repress women. God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things, 3. There women can grow, blossom, and develop to their full potential with the blessing, provision, protection, and encouragement of the church leadership. The scope of her activities was almost without limit. The seed thoughts for any effective and lasting ministry must come from the Word of God. In this project, I developed a biblically based model for ecclesiastical mentoring of female clergy. Hilkiah went to Huldah, the prophetess, for God’s directions, even though both Jeremiah and Zephaniah, also prophets of the Lord, were living in Jerusalem at the same time (2 Kings 22:11–20). 1. She is passionate about helping Christian women deepen their walk with God through Bible study and creative worship and strengthen their marriages. Both a man (Luke 6:6–10) and a woman (13:10–13) were healed in the synagogue; Jesus healed both a son and a daughter and raised a son and a daughter from the dead; and, as we have said, both men and women traveled with Jesus. Hannah was a woman of total commitment to and passion for God. but the word of our God stands forever. A mentor encourages their mentee to trust God and His Word as the ultimate, most significant source of wise counsel. Thank God for Each and Every Blessing and Trial You Have, 8. 4:4-7), 3. . Read Genesis 2:18–25; Exodus 18:4; Deuteronomy 33:7; and Psalms 10:14; 33:20. He never reached the point where he didn’t enjoy having someone mother him a little. 6. Their physical bodies were different, and their function in reproduction was different. . A third reason women are qualified for ministry is that in Scripture God uses women in key ministry for Him. You have His indwelling Spirit, who has gifted you and will enable you. She lived between Ramah and Bethel in Mount Ephraim, and the children of Israel came to her for judgment. Jesus never spoke condescendingly to women, never made derogatory jokes about women, never humiliated or exploited women. And it was so. She and her husband, Aquila, were an effective team in the support and spread of the gospel. Although the word “mentor” itself is never used in Scripture, the principles applied when using that terminology are found throughout the biblical text. In Acts alone, thirty-three women are named specifically. He states of the women that they all worked “hard in the Lord” (vv. Many husbands will be encouraged by the example of their wives to become more committed to the Lord. Each of us is influential in the sphere God has given to us in which to make an impact on our family, church, place of employment, and friends. Women were active in ministry in the early church. Women should be on the church staff, the worship committee, the missions board, the building committee, the mercies committee, the discipline committee, and the Christian education committee; and they should be involved teaching Sunday school and club programs. Remember That God Still Performs Miracles. Certainly we can be encouraged if we look at the freedom, authority, and scope that lay open to her. The term also has the meaning of someone who brings another to fulfillment. The family is blessed as women become better wives and mothers, content with their influential responsibility to raise the next generation. What were some of their leadership characteristics? The same word for service was used of them as for the Levites (Exodus 38:8; 1 Samuel 2:22). What the Bible Says About Mentoring 1. in the image of God he created him; I feel more comfortable about allowing my imperfections to show, to drop my mask, to make mistakes. Like Stephen, in the Greek text Phoebe was called a diakonos, which translated means “servant,” “minister,” or “deacon.” Furthermore, church history indicates that the early church had an order of women deacons who instructed women and prepared them for baptism. It is important to realize that they were never forbidden to speak in public in the Old Testament. There are so many lessons we can learn from this remarkable woman of the Bible. Indeed, it was to women that He gave the responsibility of being the first to testify to His resurrection. There are verses that mention how to be a good mother and wife, but preparing your heart for those He will be a Father and husband to us (Psalm 68:5; Isaiah 54:5). Elizabeth was able to affirm Mary's faith in God, and we can assume she mentored her during those months they were together. Studying women of the Bible, along with symbolism in the Bible, are two of my favorite Bible study topics. There is a difference between tradition and Scripture. But she was also a judge of Israel and a prophetess. Few Christians dispute the wisdom and benefits of mentoring. Philip’s four daughters were prophetesses (21:8–9). 5 Reasons for Mentoring in Women’s Ministry 1. However, it is interesting to note in Genesis 21:12 that God commands Abraham to obey Sarah. When tradition is based partially on Scripture and partially on culture, we must distinguish where one begins and the other ends. I believe there is a difference between the office and the gift, and that whereas there should be male leadership in the office of pastor, more women have the gift of pastoring than men. Related Topics: Discipleship, Issues in Church Leadership/Ministry, Leadership, Women's Articles, Mrs. Vickie Kraft, a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, served as Minister to Women at Northwest Bible Church in Dallas for over 13 years. Study the passages of Scripture that deal with some of the women discussed in this chapter who were used by God in the Old Testament. The stories may change. Daniel mentored Nebuchadnezzar, who humbled himself before God. Especially when it comes to listening before speaking (oops!). Each must personally trust Jesus Christ alone to save. The church is blessed by the involvement of these gifted women. In 2 Timothy 1:5, we learn that Timothy’s faith came from his upbringing by his … SOAP Study Worksheet with Instructions PLUS in-depth Bible verse study sheet. She had access to God, made a vow, and kept it. There’s no way…, This page/post may contain affiliate links. [This is Chapter One of the book Women Mentoring Women, co-authored by Vickie Kraft and Gwynne Johnson. God Uses Little Things For Great Things, 10. He will give us an eternal impact as we serve Him. Jethro/Moses. It is essential to have women teachers and role models for the generation following us. Women served in the doorway of the tabernacle. They notice how it sounds an… Most Christian women long for a mentor in the faith. You can find everything that you are looking for about Women of the Bible: Unintentional Mentors, in this post as well as in-depth studies on each of the 8 women we cover (Deborah, Elizabeth, Miriam, Rahab, Sarah and more) but you may also wish to purchase the ebook for your convenience. FLOURISH is a yearlong mentoring journey based on Scripture and created in partnership with Passion City Church. We have unwed mothers and barren women. Most working women today understand they can never be Superwoman. They used their gifts and talents to serve God and to influence their families and their nation. You have the acceptance and love of the Son of God demonstrated to you in the Scriptures. Pray that God will give you the names of two or three other women who would meet with you to pray about developing a Women’s Ministries Program in your church. In Romans 16 Paul refers to Mary, Tryphena, Tryphosa, and Persis in terms he does not use for the men. Second, social and cultural changes, such as a pervasive immorality, an increasing divorce rate, the breakdown of the extended family, and an increase in the number of mothers working outside the home, have created an atmosphere of confusion and unrest experienced by many women today, including Christian women. His commendation, “She has done a beautiful thing to me. God places mentors in our life to teach us wisdom. Women served in the doorway of the tabernacle. The Bible commands it.. Scripture says, “Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to... 2. What lessons from the life of Jesus impressed you regarding women in the Gospels? A woman is qualified and equipped by redemption. Priscilla was a teacher who taught Apollos. Priscilla and Aquila/Apollos (Acts 18:24-28) Reflecting on the list we’ve made are there any observations? Tell me in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you. This page/post may contain affiliate links. Rather than condemning them for even flagrant sexual sin, He forgave them and offered them new life (John 4:1–42; 8:1–11). They can help the poor and needy in practical ways. For more detailed information, please visit our Affiliate Disclaimer page. And, throughout each story, we have so much we can learn and apply to our lives today. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” . Titus 2:3–5 teaches us clearly that the leadership of the church is to delegate to older, spiritually mature women the task of teaching and training the younger women in some specific ways. Each is then forgiven, receives eternal life, becomes an adult son or daughter in God’s family (Romans 8:16–17; Galatians 4:6–7), and becomes a priest with full access to God (1 Peter 2:9). As an Amazon Associate, as well as an affiliate of other programs, this means if you purchase something using these links, I will receive a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you! He has given you the resources you need to accomplish His work. What about Women’s Ministries today? Read Genesis 1:26–31. © 2020 Woman of Noble Character Site Built by The Blogging Divas. Women working outside the home will see their employment as ministry. Can we actually find female mentors in the Bible--women who defied cultural norms and held positions of power and influence? They participated in worship, art, family life, and community life with creativity, decisiveness, freedom, and authority. They need the strong confidence of scriptural clarity to step out. To read the full post, click continue reading. First, we need to distinguish between tradition and biblical truth. Miriam, the sister of Moses, is called a prophetess (Exodus 15:20–21), one who speaks God’s word; and in Micah 6:4 God tells Israel that He set before them as leaders Moses, Aaron, and Miriam. 1:12–14). This is the message I hope you will bring to the women of your church. male and female he created them. Which of the women in the Bible do you most closely resonate with? Men and women need one another, and neither can serve the Lord effectively with an attitude of independence, superiority, or inferiority toward the other. Can we find historical precedent for a ministry by women? Ministry leaders are eager to mentor others, but find themselves unable to personally meet the needs of the many women wanting to be discipled. Martha and her long to-do list? It was also recorded in Roman history that Christian women called “ministers” were imprisoned for their faith. Even today, we often determine the value of an item from the price paid for it. Women were present at Pentecost (Acts 2:1–4; cf. Her words are recorded for posterity. Her deep faith and commitment gave Israel the prophet Samuel, a leader who turned the nation around, introduced the kingdom, and anointed Israel’s first two kings (1 Samuel 9:16). The Women of Destiny Bible can help both groups. Click on the image below to download a copy of the infographic on women of the Bible. Both Mary the mother of Jesus and Zacharias the father of John the Baptist have a song that is recorded. Marriage is the fence a loving God established for the protection of His people. Dorcas was called a disciple, a helper of widows and the poor and someone who used her homemaking skills (Acts 9). No matter what the case, these women altered salvation history, and their stories continue to be told. The National Council of Catholic Women, at all rings of council, provides the environment for empowerment of women, and mentoring is the method. This maturing will affect every part of their lives. Becoming a Proverbs 31 Woman does not mean you have to be married or have kids. Therefore, the first reason that woman can enjoy a sense of worth is that she was created in God’s image. 1. They were to share equally in everything: in obedience, in blessing, in ruling and subduing, in reproducing, and in fellowshipping with God in the garden. What about women in the early church? The Women of Destiny Bible can help both groups. Proverbs 31 describes a woman who is often overwhelming to women who consider all that is written about her. Women in the Old Testament were provided for in the ceremonial, civil, and moral law. I’m more sensitive to reaching out to newcomers and relating to people in general.”, “The fellowship among the board members and the sharing of our lives has strengthened my female identity and heightened my self-esteem and self-acceptance. Elizabeth and her faith in God? Working Women of the Bible confronts these questions with heart and humor, and offers surprisingly simple yet potentially life-altering answers. As an Amazon Associate, as well as an affiliate of other programs, this means if you purchase something using these links, I will receive a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you! A Look at Proverbs 31:21, A Fascinating Look at Eagles, Ravens and Unclean Birds in the Bible. Here was a priceless woman who feared God, cared for her family, managed her home, and used all her abilities and talents. Jethro mentored Moses. You can find everything that you are looking for about, Elizabeth in the Bible: 8 Life Lessons We Can Learn from Her Story, 8 Purposeful Lessons We Can Learn From Sarah In The Bible, 8 Significant Lessons We Can Learn Miriam In The Bible, Women Of The Bible: Rahab, The Harlot Advancing The Kingdom Of God, What We Can Learn About Courage And Faith From Deborah, 9 Important Lessons We Can Learn from Martha in The Bible, 9 Impactful Lessons We Can Learn From The Book Of Esther in the Bible, 12 Meaningful Lessons We Can Learn from Ruth in the Bible, FREE Bible Study Worksheets to Help You Dig Deeper Into His Word, Have you read a great fiction or non-fiction book, Woman of Noble Character Affiliate Program, Women of the Bible: Unintentional Mentors, The Ultimate List of Best Bible Study Tools, A Look At Abba, Our Father: The Ultimate Name Of God, 3 Simple Self-Care Tips for the Proverbs 31 Woman, Her Husband has full confidence in her, Does Yours? Interestingly, the Hebrew word translated “helper” ( ezer) is used nineteen times in the Old Testament (for example, Exodus 18:4; Deuteronomy 33:7; Psalms 10:14; 33:20). What is pastoring? They can be involved in education at every level, from preschool to graduate school; in children’s and youth ministries; in music, art, and drama. Elijah mentored Elisha. In the Greek, “pastor” is the word shepherd. With salvation, the Holy Spirit comes to indwell each individual (1 Corinthians 6:19) and to give each one spiritual gifts without discrimination based on gender (1 Corinthians 12:7). Mary’s extravagant worship near His death was accepted by Jesus, and He defended her against the unjust criticism of the disciples (Mark 14:1–9; John 12:1–8). God calls women to it.. God knew from the beginning that women would need some instruction on godly living, so He... 3. Learn more about this incredible woman of the Bible and the lessons we can learn from her in the post by clicking continue reading. There were no church buildings until the third century, and therefore all the early church meetings were conducted in homes. In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. It is feeding, caring for, and nurturing the sheep, and binding their wounds. 3. One of the first things the Bible tells us about women is that they have been created in the image of God. Mordecai mentored Esther. After the training session, the booklet is kept as a reference by the ministry participants. Moses/Joshua. God instituted marriage for the protection of our sexuality. DEUTERONOMY 6:4-9 Hear, O Israel: … 2. Most women will admit they would enjoy having a voice from heaven say to their husbands, “Do whatever she tells you to do.” That is what God did for Sarah. ], THE SEED: THE WORD OF GOD Women understand women. Click continue to read more about this amazing and interesting woman. Paul/Timothy. She would pave the way with introductions. We’ve just shared the lives and lessons of eight incredible women of the Bible, but there are dozens more. Which characteristics would you ask God to develop in you? What encourages you from the examples of women in the early church? It was women who supported Jesus from their private wealth. She has it printed out in booklet form using attractive fonts and formatting. We All Mess Up and God Doesn't Hold it Against Us, 8. Man and woman were to function as His representatives on earth. The years have shown me in a practical way that I am important because I’m me, not just because of what I do.”. Naomi/Ruth. He healed their sick and raised their dead to life (Luke 4:38–39; 8:40–56; 13:10–17; John 11:1–44). The women who have influenced my life and served as mentors in my spiritual leadership journey also reveal diversity in ages, gifts, talents, and life experiences. Knowing when you set out that it is clearly God’s will to develop a ministry for women to women will give you stability, certainty, and confidence. Thank you for signing up! As children, many of us experienced the thrill  of burying a tiny seed in a Styrofoam cup and keeping daily vigil until a tentative green sprout nudged the dirt aside, unfolded, and became our own small plant. They are persons of intellect, emotions, volition, and spirit. Women the Bible calls “skilled” and “willing” voluntarily contributed of their possessions and worked with their hands in constructing the tabernacle ( Exodus 35:21–22, 25–26). But if Superwoman is unattainable, whom are we trying to emulate? Click continue reading to learn more about her life, the lessons we can learn and a timeline of Sarah and her life. The Search OF the Savior: Why Jesus Came, Part 2 (Gal. To learn more about Deborah and her story, click continue reading. 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