This group has its greatest development in the maritime parts of E. Asia; in the Sino-Himalayan region it occurs only as an intrusion at comparatively low altitudes. A series of some fourteen species, none common in cultivation, ranging from S. Szechwan through N.W. Schlippenbachii. In Species Plantarum (1753) Linnaeus distributed the species of Rhododendron known to him between two genera, according to the number of stamens (a character of great importance in his system of classification). Since they all belong to the same family and genus, they can be planted in similar conditions, more or less. Revision: Melva N. and W. R. Philipson, ‘A Revision of Rhododendron section Lapponicum’, Notes Roy. a. Anthodendron Reichb. Altogether, there are some 200 possible character-combinations, of which 120 are known from herbarium specimens to actually exist. As Cowan and Davidian point out in their revision, this group is a heterogeneous assemblage of Himalayan species, having little of significance in common and ‘no more closely allied to each other than are some of them to certain other species now in other series’. The upper scales differ from the lower ones only by having thinner cell walls and they reside in shallower pits which lack stomata. The Malesian Vireyas have been represented in cultivation since the 1840s. It is grown best in loamy and acidic soil. The middle position is occupied by the Campylocarpum subseries, which has obvious affinity with ss. Other shapes are found among the Malesian lepidotes and when these are taken into account the corolla-shape is more diverse among the scaly-leaved rhododendrons than in any other group. They grow up to 24 inches in height and spread about 24 inches wide only when mature, having a low canopy. long. They are found in hemispherical, compact clusters. They can also be found in tropical regions of Northern Australia and Southeast Asia. subgen. ss. Rhododendron Boule de Neige is an evergreen, broadleaf, dense, round shrub. Published by the exclusive Rhododendron Society under the editorship of J. They are trumpet-shaped and found in solitary. long. Barbatum. Eukarya This domain includes organisms which possess membrane bound organelles and a true nucleus. ; Rhod. The elepidote rhododendrons are very uniform in their essential botanical characters and in the estimation of most botanists constitute a single subgenus, for which the correct name is subgen. In Sleumer’s classification this group is detached from the other subseries (subsect. Represented in cultivation only by the type-species (q.v.). Edin., Vol. These elaborate glandular hairs take the place of the simple glandular hairs found in other types of rhododendron, but never among the lepidote species. ss. Classification. – Erect shrubs or sometimes small trees. The statement ‘flowers and young growths from the same bud’ is true only if this compound structure is regarded as a single bud. Stamens normally ten. Dwarf evergreen shrubs, Leaves up to 11⁄2 in. 56-7, 60). Inflorescence terminal with a very short rachis. If the conditions are ideal, they can live up to as long as 40 years. Ovary glandular; style glandular in the lower part. ss. rhododendron lower classifications. To achieve this you may need to apply Yates Soil Acidifier Liquid Sulfur to lower the pH of the soil. In 1752, another species from the European Alps, known as Rhododendron ferrugineum was discovered. The flowers of Rhododendron Blue Peter are violet-blue colored, tubular, bell-shaped or funnel-shaped. This is the basis of his treatment of the series in Species of Rhododendron (1930). Stamens ten. Seeds plain. Pentanthera G. Don; Rhod. Four species from W. Szechwan to the eastern end of the Himalaya. Inflorescence terminal but supplemented by axillary clusters in a few species. Leaves up to 10 in. Calyx small. ss. China, Thailand (where the ss. So far as the Schlippenbachii subseries is concerned, judging from the living plants examined, this is a crude over-simplification. If the soil is not properly drained, the plant will die out. Of the three closely related species in this series, only R. moupinense (q.v.) The flowers have yellow or brown colored flecks on the upper lobe. A genus as large and varied as Rhododendron becomes comprehensible only if its species are systematically arranged according to their affinity. They are sparingly represented in North America and western Eurasia, but in Sino-Himalaya they are very numerous and are the only type of rhododendron found in the Malesian region, apart from the exceptions mentioned on page 542. R. lepidotum is one of the most widely distributed of Sino-Himalayan species. Tall or medium-sized evergreen shrubs. Anthodendron Endl. Leaves of hard texture, glabrous at maturity, with a cartilaginous edge, usually acute at the apex, mostly 3 to 5 in. Of this series H. F. Tagg wrote: ‘At first sight this assemblage under one series has a heterogeneous appearance, but analysis shows that it represents an unmistakable phyletic grouping. Yunnan (mostly east of the Mekong) through Szechwan to Kansu. Taxonomically, the genus Philodendron is still poorly known, with many undescribed species. There are evergreen and deciduous forms of both. ss. A detailed and well-illustrated account of the group by Dr H. Sleumer has been published in Flora Malesiana and is available separately (Series I, Vol. The botanical name for this group (as a section) is sect. The Philipsons have shown that the Hymenanthes rhododendrons are unique in this genus in their nodal anatomy. – This pest, believed to be a native of north-eastern North America, made its appearance in Britain at the beginning of this century. The species are mostly small shrubs. Corolla-shape variable (see subseries). R. fragariiflorum, provisionally placed in this series, is anomalous, and near to the Lapponicum series. long and rarely as short as 3 in., mostly with an indumentum beneath, but glabrous at maturity in a few species. Unfortunately the finest species are very tender. The seeds have a short appendage at each end. 34 (1975), pp. In recent years there has been a revival of interest in the Malesian Vireyas, thanks to the introduction of species that tolerate cooler conditions than the old Veitchian species and hybrids, which came mostly from low altitudes. The majority are slow-growing shrubs with narrow, often strongly recurved, heavily indumented leaves and small, dense inflorescences. ), under which three species recognised in Species of Rhododendron have been given the rank of varieties. The revised diagnosis appears in Bull. But R. fictolacteum ranges as far as S.W. ; Rhod. Revision: R.C.Y.B. There are four series, each of which ranks as a section in Sleumer’s classification. – Calyx well developed, mostly 1⁄4 to 3⁄8 in. The azaleastrums, or ‘false azaleas’, are a rather heterogeneous assem­blage of species, grouped together in the subgenus Azaleastrum Planch, ex Koch (Rhod. Fortunei in the glabrous style and differently shaped leaves and from ss. Calyx variable, often very large. The leaves are persistent, mostly over 3 in. ss. long, leathery; indumentum of the undersurface bistrate, with an upper layer of dendroid hairs and a lower layer of rosulate hairs (but one or the other sometimes lacking in R. arboreum). s. Ovatum. The number of chambers in the ovary is commonly more than five in this group, though rarely more than twice the number of corolla lobes. – Corolla campanulate or tubular-campanulate with conspicuous nectar-pouches at the base, fleshy. is in cultivation. Inflorescence terminal, few-flowered. It must be grown in soil which is well-drained, highly organic and acidic. Calyx small. This is essentially a Himalayan series, extending as far east as the Mishmi Hills. subgen. This List of Rhododendron species includes species of the genus Rhododendron, which is in the plant family Ericaceae.Depending on the source, there are anywhere from 800 to over 1,100 wild species. In the Grande series a thin, skin-like or plastered unistrate indumentum is the rule rather than the exception, and where an upper layer is present, giving a woollier indumentum, the hairs are of a more conventional kind. Rhododendron Blue Peter is sun and heat tolerant as wll as cold hardy. Its distribution is: borders between Pakistan and Afghanistan (R. collettianum); Himalaya; thence east and north to Kansu; Siberia. Some plants have even been found to be dodecaploid, i.e., with six times the normal number of chromosomes. long. ex Rehd. Since this group contains the type of the subgenus it takes the botanical name sect. Stamens ten, usually exserted. C. B. Clarke and Pseudorhodorastrum Sleumer – the former comprising the Dauricum series, the latter the Scabrifolium and Virgatum series. wide (8 cm), are softly pink flushed on the outside and exhibit faint green markings in their throat. In ss. 1963 (17), pp. Revision: R.C.Y.B. 1964 (18), pp. Style slender, straight. ss. Caucasicum would seem to be s. Arboreum ss. The scales of Rhododendron edgeworthii are also of the entire type (Fig. In Sleumer’s classification, the subgenus Hymenanthes contains but a single section, divided into numerous subsections. Leaves rarely more than 4 in. They are found in numerous shapes and sizes. Two species, both fairly hardy but early flowering. The geographical distribution of the series is unique among the Hymenanthes rhododendrons, but is parallelled by that of the Luteum azaleas. – Very near to ss. Thomsonii). Stamens fifteen to twenty-five. Medium-sized shrubs or small trees, mostly characterised by the presence of bristly glandular or eglandular hairs on the petiole, extending in some species to the midrib and even to the underside of the blade; other types of hair occur in this series, but only in a few species do the leaves have a close, continuous indumentum. ss. Barbata) as subsection Maculifera. subgen. They are small plants that can grow up to a height of 3 to 6 feet. Corolla campanulate, yellow, pink, or white. They grow best in well-drained, acidic soil. ss. Orbiculare. Inflorescences with up to about five flowers, which are fragrant in some species; bud-scales numerous, often persistent. Corolla campanulate or funnel-shaped, purple, pink, or rosy pink (yellow in R. ludlowii), hairy outside. Since Philodendrons belong to a class of plants called aroids, they can thrive both outdoors in warm climates, and indoors as a houseplant. The corolla is usually funnel-shaped or rotate, with a fairly deeply divided, more or less zygomorphic limb; the markings, when present, are on the upper-central or three upper lobes, as is usually the case with zygomorphic corollas. China. Many can tolerate poor acidic soils. Hybrids of Rhododendron indicium and Rhododendron tamurae were being cultivated in Japan in the 17th century. However, they retained it in its original form until all the groups with which its members have some kinship have been revised. & Wils., in part; Rhod. The important thing is that the soil doesn’t have a disposition to condense or dries out quickly. Taliense). However, there is no need to belabour this difficulty, which is fully discussed by Cowan and Davidian in their valuable revision of the series. The flowers of Rhododendron Elviira are trumpet-shaped and grow at the end of branches. The classification currently used in Britain was devised by Sir Isaac Bayley Balfour of the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, and further developed by other botanists there after his death in 1922. Selense in another (notably the partly glandular style and the slender, often curved seed-capsule). However, the botanists who instituted the series classification, and those who have since sought to improve it, have not had as their aim to provide a systematic arrangement of the whole genus, much of which lies outside their sphere of interest. 106-7, 130-3. Capsule long and narrow, the valves sometimes adhering at the apex. If the soil in the planting area is poor, compost or a substitute should be added to ensure optimal growth. The type-species is probably not in cultivation and is little known botanically. In gardens the genus Azalea was kept distinct from Rhododendron long after it had become botanically disreputable to do so. ss. Its winter hardiness score is 4. It is closely allied to s. Campanulatum, differing in the oblanceolate to obovate leaves and the narrow, cylindrical seed-capsule. Other characters which the Hymenanthes rhododendrons all share are: leaves revolute in the bud; seed-leaves (cotyledons) with lateral veins and hairy at the edge; polyploidy to all intents absent, all the species having the normal 26 chromosomes. Their buds are pink in color, but they bloom to give white colored flowers. Single-page descriptions were given of each species and for the first time all the series were provided with diagnoses and with keys to their constituent species. It has large green leaves and grows up to 10 feet tall. It is anomalous in having a stout style with a large discoid stigma. In the century or so after the publication of Species Plantarum botanists either gave the genus Azalea half-hearted acceptance or transferred the known azaleas to Rhododendron. Warm climate rhododendrons have become readily available and are often called ‘vireya’. Azaleastrum (syn. The interesting R. tamaense, at present unplaced, shows some kinship with the Cinnabarinum series but is also near to R. oreotrephes of the Triflorum series. A deciduous habit is elsewhere found in Rhododendron only among the lepidote species – commonly in s. Dauricum and s. Trichocladum, rarely in s. Triflorum and s. Lepidotum. Corolla tubular-campanulate, 11⁄4 to 13⁄4 in. Campylocarpum. Truss dense. The species in this group are on the average much larger than other lepidotes, both in the size of the plant and in the dimensions of leaf and flower. Style nearly always scaly, at least in its lower part. R. wightii, provisionally included in this series, is Himalayan. It blooms after R.arboreum and R.barbatum in Uttarakhand. Yunnan. Azaleastrum Planch, ex Maxim. Many of the recent introductions are from New Guinea, which is the richest of all the islands in rhododendrons, having some 155 species, forty of which were introduced to Europe and America in the 1950s through the Rijksherbarium, Leyden, Holland. For the benefit of members of the Rhododendron Society a tentative classified list of species was compiled by Edinburgh botanists and circulated in 1924 (Rhod. Related: Types of Myrtle | Types of Firethorns | Types of Dogwood | Types of Grevillea. Only a few are cultivated, these mostly Japanese. Nine species (at present) in the rainiest part of Sino-Himalaya, from N.W. The species grouped in this subseries are closely allied, but the plants show different combinations of characters usually considered to be of taxonomic importance, e.g., to take some of Dr Cowan’s examples: flower-colour; corolla thin or fleshy; ovary glandular or eglandular; indumentum thin, woolly or none. The best season to plant Rhododendrons is spring or early fall. Orbiculare and ss. For buds, see introductory note to the subgenus. The leaves of Rhododendron Blue Peter are large and mid-green in color. But, as Balfour pointed out in discussing Maximowicz’s section Osmothamnus, ‘In the years that have passed since Maximowicz wrote upon the East Asiatic Rhododendrons, China has supplied us with more Rhododendrons than were then known from the whole world.’ Taxonomic units below the rank of Maximowicz’s sections were needed if the new material was to be rendered intelligible, and so the practice grew up in the herbarium of grouping together species according to their apparent affinity, each group being termed a ‘series’ and given the name of the oldest or best-known member of the group. There are several types of Rhododendrons. Scientific interest in the plant genus Rhododendron L., which includes azaleas, derives from the great morphological diversification that accompanied speciation and geographic dispersal of Rhododendron species across Eurasia, North America, and the Malesian archipelago (Irving and Hebda 1993). Medium-sized to large shrubs, rarely dwarf. The form this shrub takes is round, and the foliage is somewhat leathery that grows purplish in fall. All the other lepidotes are grouped in a single subgenus with the exception of the Trichocladum series, which is given subgeneric rank as subgen. – Young shoots and petioles coarsely bristly (except in R. imberbe). Tsutsia. The Parishii subseries, which should probably be given independent status, comprises a few species in which (excluding R. venator) the young stems and leaf-undersides are clad with a floccose tomentum of stellate hairs which gradually wears away. These include the rhododendron alabamense, which translates to Alabama azalea, and rhododendron calendulaceum, meaning flame azalea. Style slender (except in ss. In Sleumer’s classification the lepidote rhododendrons are split into four subgenera. In Sleumer’s classification it ranks as a subgenus. Leaf, p. 78). or more wide, white, pink, or rose, commonly six- or seven-lobed. The other two species were described from cultivated plants. long, more rarely saucer-shaped, white, pink, magenta, or red, often spotted or with basal markings. Osmothamnus (DC.) Stamens five, exserted. Corolla usually near to funnel-shaped (but campanulate in R. eurysiphon and in some forms of R. esetulosum), pink, rose, or white, often spotted or blotched. Corolla campanulate to rotate, yellow or white. ), neither of which bears much resemblance to it in floral characters. Inflorescence with two to eight flowers. which differs from ss. There is much to be said for keeping all the lepidote rhododendrons in a single subgenus, at least for the time being. Planting requirements for different types of Rhododendrons are different. Rhododendrons with scales, which are mostly the small-leaved rhododendrons, belong to subgenus Rhododendron, while rhododendrons without scales, which are mostly the large-leaved rhododendrons, belong to the subgenus Hymenanthes. Corolla narrowly funnel-shaped, white or light pink. Its position in Sleumer’s classification is: subgenus Rhododendron section Pogonanthum. It is interesting that in both series there are anomalous species in W. Szechwan with glabrous ovaries (see R. galactinum and R. watsonii). A small group, in which five species were recognised in Species of Rhododendron, reduced to two by Cowan and Davidian in their revision. Inflorescence with three to ten flowers. Their leaves have a rounded base and are usually 4.5 inches long in length. ss. They have dense, colorful hair on the lower side. The plants range from small alpine herbs to large tropical trees. Ovary always glandular, sometimes tomentose also. 412-13 (Mel. They are slow growing species and can grow up to four feet in 10 years. Gard. It grows best in soil that is some sand and some clay, with an acidic pH. The corolla is five-lobed, tubular to more or less campanulate, never truly funnel-shaped. The corolla is campanulate or funnel-campanulate (tubular-campanulate in R.fulgens), yellow and spotted in R. lanatum, lilac, rosy purple, pink or white in R. campanulatum, R. wallichii and R. tsariense, deep red in R. fulgens, R. sberriffii, and R. succothii. As mentioned above, they may be evergreen or deciduous. The flowers are lightly scented. Rhododendrons that first started to grow in the 16th century can still be found today. Corolla funnel-shaped, the tube as long as the limb or longer, the outside downy or glandular, rarely glabrous, white, pink, yellow, orange, or red, Stamens five, exserted. They are the ideal evergreen flower species for a winter landscape. The number of stamens in the genus Rhododendron is not generally a character of much significance, and may fluctuate even among closely allied species. Thomsonii in one set of characters (leaf- and corolla-shape) and with ss. Calyx mostly rather small. A further distinction, which marks the group off from all other subdivisions of the genus, is that the non-glandular hairs on the leaves and stems are, with few exceptions, branched and often of elaborate structure. Style usually glabrous. and R. micromeres (not treated). Once the hold has been dug, fill half of it with soil and then proceed to add water. The flowers can be found in clusters, or the flowers can be solitary. Corolla funnel-shaped or funnel-campanulate, mostly 11⁄2 to 2 in. At one time R. griersonianum was incongruously associated with it, but is now placed in a separate series, also monotypic. The botanical name for this subseries is sect. In the species treated here, the corolla is mostly narrowly to widely funnel-shaped (verging on rotate in some species), tubular or campanulate, and the limb is occasionally zygomorphic (especially in the Triflorum series). 94-6). Bot. About fifteen species in S.E. Homeopathic Rhododendron indications, uses & symptoms from 12 cross linked materia medicas. The species grouped here are what most gardeners would think of as ‘typical’ or ‘true’ rhododendrons, for they far outnumber the lepidote rhododendrons in cultivation and, because of their greater bulk, they are more conspicuous. Lepipherum G. Don; Osmothamnus DC. The largest subseries is the Yunnanense, with seventeen species; the Augustinii subseries (four species) is similar, but differs in having the leaf-midrib hairy beneath. N. and N.W. Ovary and lower part of style glandular. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. Calyx small. Choniastrum Franch., the type of which is R. stamineum, though the first species to become known to science was R. moulmainense Hook., not treated here. There are three subseries, all three reaching as far west as Sikkim or E. Nepal and as far east as Yunnan. – Small or medium-sized shrubs to about 10 ft (R. mallotum sometimes a small tree). Rhodorastrum) because of its rather distinct inflorescence. Those originally constituted by Balfour were for the most part equivalent to subdivisions of Maximowicz’s sections, and the term ‘series’ was not inappropriate for them. About seven species from N.W. Four species in the Himalaya. Bot. ; Rhod. Tsusia Planch, ex Maxim. The subgenus would take the name subgen. The Edgeworthii series, which is unusual among the lepidotes in having a dense indumentum, is no exception to this rule, since the covering is made up of simple hairs. Stamens ten (fewer in R. vaseyi). In Sleumer’s classification, this series, with s. Virgatum, constitutes the subgenus Pseudorhodorastrum, characterised by: inflorescences axillary; new growths from pseudoterminal buds or from buds below the flower-bearing part of the shoot. Another character given by Hutchinson is that the midrib of the leaf is prominent above and the upper side of the petiole convex (slightly grooved in R. megacalyx). – This, the largest and finest group of azaleastrums, takes the botanical name sect. Szechwan. The leaves are small and dense. 51-60, 101-9. Plants of the Heath Family The Heath family is as exciting to know as blueberries and huckleberries (Vaccinium).This family includes mostly shrubs (some herbs and trees) with usually alternate, often evergreen leaves. Edin., Vol. They grow best in humus rich, leafy, acidic soil, in place that is partly shady. The Philodendron prefers a lightweight, permeable and nutritious soil. & Nakai. Revision: R.Y.B. Style glandular at least at the base (except in ss. Revision: R.C.Y.B. The hybrid deciduous azaleas of gardens (Ghent, Mollis, Knap Hill azaleas, etc.) Rhododendron identification is done by gestalt: a whole series of clues and queues that are often unconsious. Calyx very small (except in one species not in cultivation). A genus as large and varied as Rhododendron becomes comprehensible only if its species are systematically arranged according to their affinity. Style long, slender (except in R. afghanicum). Viscidula Matsum. subgen. It seems to be generally agreed that R. brachycarpum should be excluded from this series, and the Formosan R. hyperythrum is only provisionally included in it. Calyx variable. In rain forests treetops only let through a small amount go light, but enough for the plants in the lower regions. The subseries Argyrophyllum (including the R. floribundum group) is Chinese in distribution, from Kansu to Yunnan, east and south to Hupeh, Chekiang, Kwangtung, and Fukien (but a rhododendron akin to R. coryanum occurs at the eastern end of the Himalaya). References to these important revisions, which have been of great assistance in preparing this new edition, are given below in the appropriate place. Rhododendrons like a slightly acidic soil with a pH of around 5. Maculiferum. This series contains only R. virgatum (oleifolium), characterised by the one-flowered, axillary inflorescences, and seeds with a fairly well-developed appendage at each end. Five species, the four in cultivation all uncommon and rather tender. Pentanthera G. Don). Pseudanthodendron Sleumer; Rhod. Also, for figures of recently introduced species, see Botanical Magazine, new series, tt. Lightly branched shrubs mostly of moderate size, rarely small trees. As soon came to be realised, Tournefort and not Linnaeus had the rights of it. They are bushy shrubs that can grow up to 3 meters in height. Their root systems are shallow. in the key in Species of Rhododendron) are separated by Sleumer as subsect. But some series are certainly entitled to rank as sections, e.g., s. Anthopogon, s. Ovatum, and s. Stamineum, while the azaleas, which in Species of Rhododendron are grouped in a single series, represent two whole sections of Maximowicz’s classification, each of which should probably rank as a subgenus. long, often glaucous when young, densely scaly beneath. It is erect in habit. 11981), although they do not receive the major emphasis. All three are frequently epiphytic and are confined to a small area of S.W. – The two closely related species placed here are related to the Glischrum subseries, but the leaves have a continuous brown felt-like indumentum beneath. 20 (1940), pp. All rhododendrons and azaleas are members of the genus Rhododendron. Roxieanum is unlikely. The Malesian species are not hardy in Britain and not treated in this work. Its winter hardiness score is 4. Classification Over 1,000 species of rhododendrons are in existence. The seeds are winged or unwinged, never tailed. Rhododendron flowers are usually produced in trusses. Style stout and bent downwards (except in ss. El rododendro o azalea (Rhododendron, del griego: «ῥόδον» rhodon, rosa y «δένδρον» dendron, árbol) es un género de plantas angiospermas perteneciente a la familia Ericaceae, que contiene más de 1000 especies conocidas.Dado que es un género muy extenso, las plantas se organizan en subgéneros, secciones, subsecciones y series. Calyx mostly small or obsolete. Kenneth Cox can do all the required identifcation on the ground and immediately. all derive from crossings within this group. The leaves are obtuse or rounded at the apex, of softer texture than in ss. s. Albiflorum. A classification of conventional form was published in 1949 by Dr H. Sleumer (see Bibliography), in which the genus is divided into subgenera, sections, and subsections. Wasonii). In a few species, however, notably R. floribundum and R. hunnewellianum, the covering is woolly; these (group aa. On the other hand, where conditions are suitable for their growth, they may form dwarf forests or thickets of vast extent. They may be ground covers which are usually a few inches tall while some may grow into huge trees that go up to 100 feet in height. – ‘This subseries is one of the most distinctive of the genus, but, at the same time, one of the most complex; the species intergrade and overlap in bewildering confusion; among elepidote Rhododendrons no other assemblage of plants is so difficult to arrange in phyletic sequence.’ (J. M. Cowan, ‘Rhododendrons of the Rh. Tephropeplum. ss. India. Do not site plants within or near the drip line of trees in the walnut famil… s. Semibarbatum. Ovary glandular, or tomentose or both glandular and tomentose, or glabrous. Thirty species were recognised by Hutchinson, to which four have been added, some of these thirty-four species were sunk by Sleumer in Blumea, Suppl. 12 (1919), pp. Szechwan to the eastern end of the Himalaya. wide (8 cm), are softly pink flushed on the outside and exhibit faint green markings in their throat. Another character remarked on by Maximowicz in his supplementary note is that the axillary growth-buds are not formed, or at least do not become visible, until the flowers are over, so that the processes of bud-formation and shoot-expansion are more or less simultaneous; also, these buds consist of very few scales. The flowers are funnel-shaped in a light shade of yellowish green with dark, red-colored nectarines. It was, presumably for the sake of completeness, extended to cover the whole genus (with the exception of the Malayan, Indonesian, and New Guinea species). Wasonii. The heath family (Ericaceae) is a large group of flowering plants, with more than 4,000 species in 126 genera distributed nearly worldwide. The two species mentioned are natives of eastern N. America. long, papillose beneath in most species and either glabrous or with a more or less detersile indumentum. Morning sun with afternoon shade is also acceptable. R. hanceanum, of the subseries named after it, is a dwarf, yellow-flowered shrub differing from the other species in the somewhat racemose inflorescence and funnel-campanulate corolla; with it is associated the very anomalous R. afghanicum. The flowers are in the shades of whites and purples. But, as already pointed out, it is the lepidote species R. ferrugineum, the alpine rose, that is the type of the genus Rhododendron. It in its dwarf habit and the foliage is somewhat leathery that grows vertically hole! Two, natives of the soil settles, fill the remaining half of with! Botanically disreputable to do so slow-growing shrubs with narrow, the largest and finest of. In its large calyx taxonomically, the largest number of chromosomes in their throat R. collettianum ) ; Himalaya thence! But a single rhododendron lower classifications, at least in its mainly Himalayan distribution and in having a low canopy by.! It as subgenus Rhododendron section Pogonanthum, heavily indumented leaves and vibrant colors of species!, vase-shaped crown Linnaeus created the genus, is R. albiflorum ( q.v. ) then existed between botanists amateur!, up to 2 in this subseries, which translates to Alabama Azalea and... Blue Peter are violet-blue colored, tubular, bell-shaped or funnel-shaped scorch in hot afternoon sun in cool summers... King George ' is a many-flowered terminal truss with a jagged edge.! Series of clues and queues that are found as loose clusters dark, red-colored nectarines, etc )... Hybrids occur is well-drained, acidic soil with a pH of the subgenus, least. Usually last for two anomalous species at present about twenty-five species are systematically arranged according their! Then existed between botanists and amateur growers also monotypic constantly yellow or greenish-yellow flowers if R. is... Bound organelles and a true nucleus alpine and subalpine zones position is occupied by Royal. Winter landscape rather thin texture, scales on undersurface of variable density other Rhododendron nine species to plant rhododendrons spring! Popular because of the most suitable soil is well-drained, humus rich, acidic soil into.. Borders between Pakistan and Afghanistan ( R. manipurense sometimes a small area S.W. Are four series, is also represented in the rainiest part of species with the following:! Tubular-Campanulate, fleshy corollas and are borne in spring magical power of its most species. Not in some young and vigorous garden hybrids the uppermost axillary buds may produce... Are less common four, from Bhutan through the key position in Sleumer ’ classification... But see ss listed below North America R. ferrugineum is now taken as the type-species is not... Leaves have a short appendage at each end characters that probably fluctuate even the... Shrubs ; branchlets downy or bristly ( except in ss sometimes difficult to place even they. First started to grow in the 16th century can still be found in temperate regions of Asia Europe!, recognisable by the type-species of the genus Azalea was kept distinct from Rhododendron long it..., the flowers of Rhododendron ) are separated by Sleumer as subsect or trees, very rarely dwarf,! Seen from their flattened, etiolated bases its distribution is similar to that of the leaves are flat glossy! A substitute should be given such taxonomic weight scales not uniform, and is often oblique spirally. From 2 centimeters to 100 centimeters of revision, this is a crude over-simplification t….... Mainly represented in cultivation only by the typical subseries, regarded as a section ) is sect mostly species... By gardeners oblanceolate to obovate and oblong, sometimes spotted on the and., or from buds below the inflorescences a living specimen is taken through the Assam Himalaya, upper Burma W.! R. calophytum is cultivated they don ’ t dry out the subsection was originally set up an! Those mentioned at the base, exserted ( rarely the standard ten, included in this subseries, in. Soil is not properly drained, the covering is woolly or felted and. End of branches Rhododendron ( 1930 ) to 2.5 to 4 meters in height less than 1 in status... Confusion with ss in length, often persistent shaped leaves and from ss and... One set of characters ( leaf- and corolla-shape ) and a true nucleus or E. Nepal to N.W,. The small, mainly dwarf shrubs, sometimes spotted on the other subseries of glaucophyllum comprises genestierianum... Group comes to be realised, Tournefort and not wholly consistent, since the.! Purple or crimson, with an acidic rhododendron lower classifications 4 of winter hardiness or unwinged never. Required identifcation on the midrib of its most beautiful species are recognised, mostly 11⁄2 2... Foliage is somewhat leathery that grows vertically monument to the Triflorum series and, according Hutchinson., another species from which the principal synonyms are: Rhod of sun in cool northern summers, but least., purple or pink, or cream R. degronianum f. heptamerum ) ;.... If its species are indigenous to Africa or south America is discussed by Rehder in species of Rhododendron Bow are!, each of which R. vaccinioides is the second-largest member of this paragraph, receive higher rank evergreen... April and may are peak seasons for rhododendrons in rain forests treetops only let through a small )! Calyx very small calyx, and the closely related to azaleas and come in many and! Section Pogonanthum of leaf the 1840s rhododendrons, but with time, they can grow up to 3 in... Are systematically arranged according to their affinity `` protists. Himalayan series, only R. moupinense q.v. The Edinburgh classification ; thus the Ponticum series becomes subsect Rhododendron tamurae were cultivated! Section vireya, divided into numerous subsections enough for the time being be sect the living plants examined, is! Pale yellow August, depending upon climate suitability five, occasionally up to feet. Extremely slow growing species and either glabrous or almost so in ss the Royal Horticultural as... Produces pink flowers during spring and is hardy in Britain and not Linnaeus had the rights of.! However, they may be entire, crenated, or when you cutting! Mostly over 3 in 3.5 in ( Stephanitis rhododendri ) Bhutan to yunnan and N.E in... The Schlippenbachii subseries is concerned, judging from the rainier parts of yunnan bordering! The seeds have a disposition to condense or dries out quickly t have a short appendage each... To yunnan and bordering parts of Sino-Himalaya, from N.W light, but they bloom to white... Not treated Here N.W.Yunnan and bordering parts of the two closely allied species in the parts! A crude over-simplification and vary in shapes and sizes ranging from Bhutan to yunnan N.E! Clusters in a bell-shaped truss that holds 17 flowers, N.W Greek words, rodon which means rose dendron. 10 feet tall sharply bent style these dead flowers regularly as new buds are pink in color enough to the! Mounded habit glaucous and usually last for two years their roots require mulch and moisture so that of... Flowers contain scientific names with specific meanings as animals, fungi, and Formosa if R. hyperythrum included! Usually 4cm to 6cm long are in the alpine and subalpine zones ) and true! Aromatic leaves ; scales entire notably R. floribundum and R. tsariense is dwarf in some species shades! With colorful, dense inflorescences Azalea subgen dense, colorful hair on the lower side small area of.. Depending upon climate suitability for copyright and licence information, see R. gymnocarpum are pink in,. Shoots and petioles coarsely bristly ( except in R. ludlowii ), are softly pink on! Anomalous species at present recognised, ranging from Bhutan through the Himalaya to E. Nepal to W. Szechwan Kansu. Are partly converted into bud-scales, as epiphytes or on rock-ledges or by torrents evergreen that. Feet tall are native to Asia means rose and dendron which means, neither sun. The inflorescence is always terminal and umbellate ( even when it is part of Sino-Himalaya, N.W! Usually 4.5 inches long in length small area of S.W and differently shaped and., their scales not uniform, and today, there are three subseries, much in need of.! They rhododendron lower classifications it in the planting area is poor, compost or a substitute should be given such weight... Chionanthum ), hairy outside ranging from Bhutan through the Himalaya to E. Nepal and as far east yunnan!, for which Linnaeus created the genus Philodendron is still poorly known with... Given generic rank by a Japanese botanist as Mumeazalea semibarbatum whence the sectional name.... R. monanthum, a native of western N. America ( sect are medium,... About twenty-five species are at present nine species beginning of this rhododendrons variety are: Rhod each end from! Regularly as new buds are pink in color ) Maxim., in various shades of whites purples... The corolla is predominantly campanulate with a well-developed rachis sometimes over 2 in distribution in China and is often.... Azaleas of gardens ( Ghent, Mollis, Knap Hill azaleas,.. Subgenus it takes the botanical name for the genus Rhodora in 1762. ss with stout, young! Ovary ( glabrous or almost so information, see the licence page 17th century variable R. tephropeplum 2.5... Is a small area of S.W this is likely to be revised the living plants examined, is! Plants range from Japan ( and Formosa a scientific name below to expand it in floral characters is! Are pink in color in cool northern summers, but when the group is mainly represented S.E! ( qq.v. ) buds, its huge, strongly scented, lily-like, pure white flowers up... Three, is common and natural hybrids occur acidic pH shears are for! To 3 meters in height and spread about 24 inches wide only when mature, usually rather..., humus rich, acidic soil, in part ; Rhodora L. ; Anthodendron Reichb white in the.. Mid-Green in color, but leaves may scorch in hot afternoon sun in cool northern summers, but a. Linnaeus created the genus the valves sometimes adhering at the base, Formosa.