You can do this in a super low-tech way. Need digital activities for grades 4-5? This comes as they begin the school year with 100 percent virtual learning. Even better, utilize the chat features to keep students on track, motivated, and feeling supported. 8. I was wondering what consequences do you use or know of when students don’t follow these expectations? Expectations for Parents Transitioning to digital learning is a huge shift for all of us – teachers, students, and parents. I spent my summer setting up my classroom when I should have been setting up my curriculum to teach on-line. Here is an example activity where the students practice applying digital expectations of staying focused during live sessions to different scenarios. But adapting all your typical rules and expectations to the needs of a digital classroom is definitely not easy. This is a great way to ensure students have a way to ask you questions as they … Here are 10 best practices to be an effective online teacher. The next step is to continually allow students to practice the expectations with feedback during real-world learning opportunities. Keep your expectations visible as much as possible, even later in the year when everyone has gotten comfortable. Here is an editable template for virtual classroom expectations. Communication among the participants can be achieved in various ways like text chat, live video, live … Your email address will not be published. The links to access the digital versions are on page 2. We teach behavior expectations and classroom norms in person, and helping our students understand the social constructs related to teleworking … The best way to overcome this hurdle is through communication with the student and also the adult in the home. That feedback could also involve reminding them of a tool or a strategy that will help them meet that desired expectation. The download will open up in a PDF. #1 Log In a Little Early . While we are all being as flexible and accommodating as possible for all of our students and understand that live or synchronous learning is not always feasible or equitable for our students, teaching virtual learning expectations is still an important part of our learning! My goal is to provide resources and strategies to inspire you and help make this belief a reality for your students. The links to access the digital versions are on page 2. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, millions of teachers (and their students) are now doing their best to adapt to a brand new learning environment. share ideas, inspiration, and connect with teachers from around the world! If microphones will be on, try to find a location or room with limited background noise. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! You don’t “see” every little thing a student does during the day, and they aren’t surrounded by peers, which can help prevent conflict. 13-hour time difference. 3. Teachers are creating virtual learning lessons which will have a right balance between online and offline learning experiences. 2. That’s why continuous opportunities to practice and get feedback are so important. Teaching rules and expectations go hand-in-hand. Make sure that you are also giving them the exact next steps to help them meet that desired outcome (using a sentence stem, referring to a reminder sheet, reviewing the digital expectations that you have posted somewhere, etc.). If recording isn’t an option, take a screenshot of the behavior, which can also serve as documentation. Whenever possible, students should plan meals, snacks, and bathroom breaks around their synchronous class times. If you ever do have a serious behavior issue during a live class, it will be very beneficial to have documentation of what happened. When writing messages to your teachers or classmates, avoid texting language and abbreviations. Behavior can be easier but also harder when teaching virtually. This post will share steps for teaching digital expectations to your students, as well as a free resource for using scenarios to teach digital expectations. Parents will receive more information on how to use Seesaw prior to April 1. Preschool teachers still need to provide support for social and emotional development. Whether teaching a full day of classes on Zoom, pre-recording lessons for kids to watch later, or sending assignments home through virtual learning platforms or even the mail, teacher life is very different now. Use full sentences whenever possible. Explain the reward system that you will use. I’m going to spend the first half hour teaching these expectations. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. 9. Digital Resource for Students: The Teacher-Author has indicated that this resource is made for device-based learning. Just as you would in the classroom, be transparent about your expectations—both about online learning and your academic expectations. Join our community of educators and Just as they would in the classroom, your students need to have a clear understanding of your expectations during remote lessons. However, here are some example expectations (provided in consult with an experienced virtual teacher) that may give you a starting point. You want to give them opportunities to practice it in a non-threatening way. 3 Remote Learning Plan Overview 4 Our Approach to Remote Learning 5 The Remote Learning Plan 6 Supporting Remote Learning Option 1: District-Provided Instructional Materials with Teacher Support 7 Option 2: Teacher-Led Hybrid Instruction 8 Option 3: Teacher-Led Full Digital Instruction 9 Best Practices for Remote Learning 10 Digital Resources for Core Subject Areas 11 For example, the expectation could be “Use proper communication techniques when communicating with your peers online.” You would give them practice opportunities for them to show you that they know and understand and are able to perform the desired behavior. Unstructured, unsupervised interaction can be a recipe for disaster, depending on the age and maturity of your students. It’s easy in a virtual environment to present information and then move on completely. Virtual Learning requires that: the student be an independent, self-paced learner. Help your student establish a daily routine. When you are giving students feedback on desired behavior, it’s important to make sure that you are being specific about what they’re doing well or what they need to improve on. To do this, you can give them situations that are specifically created for practicing the expectations. However, in a lot of areas, students may still need instruction, practice, or support to reach that desired digital expectation. Just as in a physical classroom, you must keep that in mind when planning your digital expectations. Have a system of consequences in place to use when behavior issues arise. The first step is to identify and clearly explain what the desired digital behavior is. These colorful, behavior expectation posters will help students understand what is an Phase Two Virtual Learning Platforms and Launch. Instructional coaches, programme leaders and principal will continue to monitor the quality of virtual transaction, resources, lesson plans and feedback shared by … As you make the transition to online teaching, here are some tips, activity ideas, and resources to support your virtual classroom: Communicate to parents the supplies their children will need for at-home learning. Sure, you definitely can't become a seasoned educator overnight, but … Instructional coaches, programme leaders and principal will continue to monitor the quality of virtual transaction, resources, lesson plans and feedback shared by teachers … In our Virtual Learning Environment, we all need to reconsider terms like “classwork” and “homework;” it’s a little more helpful to think of it as just “work” or “assignments” that students will complete as instructed. ‘School Rules in Someone’s Home’ Plus, some classroom behavior expectations are out of students’ control in remote learning environments, teachers said. Here’s educator advice for doing so. Spider web discussion: During remote learning this spring, students in Shai Klima’s high school class led their own discussions over Google Meet. Officials said during that … Cheat sheets with reminders. If possible on your teaching platform, it is sometimes best to only give students the ability to interact with one another for brief, monitored chunks of time. The first day of virtual learning for students is August 17. I believe that with the right resources, mindset, and strategies, all students can achieve at high levels and learn to love learning. Distance Learning Starter Pack | for Google Slides, PowerPoint, Canvas and More! Students need to get “back” into routine and be flexible with the possibilities of how the school year will look. Students should use chat or microphone tools appropriately by only making relevant comments when asked. These virtual learning expectations are so easy to learn! This will ensure the students clearly understand the behavior expectations. Digital Math Pre-Assessments for the Beginning of the Year, Free Assignment Checklists for Google Classroom. The first thing you’re going to want to do in any virtual lesson is to acknowledge the feelings and emotions of your students and provide them with the support and guidance to help them recognize these emotions. Preschool Classroom Rules. I’m Jennifer Findley: a teacher, mother, and avid reader. However, here are some example expectations (provided in consult with an experienced virtual teacher) that may give you a starting point. This post originally appeared in TpT’s Back to School 2020 Guide: For Teachers Creating Tomorrow. Digital expectations need to be reviewed and students need to be reminded and redirected just like you would in a traditional classroom. Most student work will be completed asynchronously.That means students will be working at their own pace according to deadlines set by teachers. So here are 14 educator tips for effectively setting and reinforcing virtual classroom procedures and expectations with your students. The TpT Blog No matter if the students are in-person or virtual, the same expectations are for both. Learn More. But one way to help your students feel connected to their class, even while apart, is to build classroom norms together. If you’re a teacher who’s supporting remote instruction, you’ve likely needed a whole new set of procedures and expectations for a virtual learning environment. In a classroom environment, teachers can employ practices to manage students' day-to-day behavior. Setting and reinforcing virtual expectations and procedures is a challenge many teachers have faced when transitioning to a digital learning environment. Holding students accountable is essential for students to have a successful year. When students are interacting online, it can lead to inappropriate or unkind behavior and dialogue. Thank you for all the work you do to help teachers like me who have taught in a classroom for 28 years and now must teach a completely different way using technical skills I don’t have. I spoke with my fellow teachers from the Jay and Rose Phillips Early Childhood Center at the Boulder Jewish Community Center about how to continue to teach the very young, virtually. Students should stay focused on the teacher’s lesson and activity, and stay off of other websites during class time. Record everything. Bonus: Send them to parents/guardians. Then (depending on which version you use) they explain their response. For even more ideas for setting expectations and procedures in an online classroom, browse digital classroom management resources available on TpT. Expectations the first two days are to teach expectations, routines, Seesaw navigation, and building community. A virtual classroom is typically an online learning system where both the learners and tutors/teachers communicate to each other just like the real classroom but from different geographical locations. Rules for behavior and participation will need to be translated into the remote learning environment. *This section was written in consultation with an experienced virtual teacher. Per my privacy policy, you can unsubscribe at any time. The download will open up in a PDF. Practice the art of constant supervision and withhold privileges when appropriate. When your students are learning remotely, keeping parents and families informed about your expectations is crucial to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible. There is also an editable version included so you can create your own scenarios for your specific expectations. Students should arrive to live sessions on time and be ready to learn. Spend time the first few weeks of class practicing the explicit skills necessary for a successful virtual lesson like muting, unmuting, the raising hand button, turning on the camera, and switching to gallery view. The New Norm: Setting Expectations and Procedures in a Virtual Classroom, Back to School 2020 Guide: For Teachers Creating Tomorrow, Distance Learning: Keeping 6-12 Learners Motivated and Engaged While Remote, 8 Big and Small Behavior Management Strategies for Your School, Virtual Classroom Rewards for K-2: How to Engage Students in Distance Learning, Checklist for Checking In: Ways to Connect with Caregivers [Free Infographic]. DECATUR, Ill. (WCIA) — Decatur Public Schools officials said they have reached an agreement with the Decatur Education Association regarding expectations for students and teachers as they begin to start the 2020-21 school year. Maintain ongoing communication with your colleagues who also serve your students (paraprofessionals, co-teachers, related service providers, counselors, the SBST team, etc.) Teachers are creating virtual learning lessons which will have a right balance between online and offline learning experiences. September 9, 2020 | 2 Comments | Filed Under: Classroom Management and Organization, Digital Resources. They will help your students to concentrate on their learning and participate to the best of their ability. Make sure the adult knows your expectations and how they can help enforce the expectations at home. Without clear expectations you’ll have more behavior problems and classroom management issues – yikes! It’s important to establish clear rules and expectations regarding student discipline, participation, the study process, deadlines, etc. Here’s what we’ve come up with … the dos and don’ts of virtual learning … Repeat the class expectations in your live classes each session, or post them on your class stream regularly. The second step (which goes right along with the first step) is ensuring that the students understand the importance of the behavior and expectation. Students should have a place to work that is conducive to learning and free from distractions. Depending on your students’ age, they may have an adult supervising their online learning. By entering your information, you agree to receive email communication from me. Copyright © 2020 Jennifer Findley  •  All rights reserved  •  Site Design by Emily White Designs. Post your digital expectations in your learning management system or class website. Provide frequent feedback through online knowledge checks and comments on assignments. At that point, you are able to give them feedback, more instruction, or more tools to support them. *You define what is appropriate based on the needs and situations of your students. Students' ability to learn is as much affected by their inter- and intrapersonal behavior as it is by their academic skills. To complete the activity, the students read each scenario and determine if the expectation is being met or not. ; Set up your digital classroom rules or at-home learning rules: send students home with the rules for online or at-home learning and communication with you and with each other. Once your students understand what you want them to do and how it looks, they need to know why it’s important. Virtual classroom management tip #1 – Set your rules and expectations ahead of time. In some areas, they won’t need instruction, they will just need accountability and/or consequences. Students should stay focused on the teacher’s lesson and activity, and stay off of other websites during class time. Students should stay organized and keep up with daily tasks by using a planner, digital organizer, or any systems embedded in your LMS (like the to-do section in Google Classroom). The system comprises of all the basic tools required to run effectively a classroom. Know that you will need to repeat and clarify your expectations. TpT is an open marketplace where educators buy, sell, and share original teaching materials. Join thousands of other upper elementary teachers and receive advice, tips, and strategies as well as access to exclusive freebies and giveaways! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. If students will be on camera, students should be dressed appropriately. 3. the student has organizational skills. But you also can’t see every little thing they’re doing during the day. This lesson shows how to set and communicate these expectations and gives examples of how this looks in a classroom. Click here or on the image above to grab these digital scenarios for FREE. Click here! Participate in professional learning opportunities remotely during the contractual work day. Students can be completely disengaged without you knowing. Grades 4K-3 . Here are some things to keep in mind. As you know, this led to many challenges for the teachers who were trying to conduct classes. … Students should have a place to work that is conducive to learning and … Here are some ideas from the TpT community for creating consistency in your remote classroom: Creating a classroom community is challenging in a remote environment. Sign up to get access to a library of free resources for math and literacy and to be notified of new resources and activities via email. There are scenarios included for live session expectations and creating a distraction-free work environment. Share this video and discuss each expectation at the start of the year to set your class up for an excellent virtual experience. By building consistency into your virtual classroom norms and routines, you can help your students feel more at ease, even as they adjust to a new, digital learning environment. Required fields are marked *. This is one of the issues I found so frustrating with remote-learning…we no longer have the usual consequences we once had at our fingertips and fell back on. I want to keep things positive, but I also want to establish clear expectations for our virtual learning. When interacting with or providing feedback to peers, use kind words and constructive criticism. Standard classroom management procedures — from how students submit homework to how they ask to use the restroom — all need to be reimagined for online learning. This can look like showing them what it doesn’t look like, showing them what it does look like, or sorting different situations based on whether they are showing the behavior or not showing the behavior. Students should arrive to live sessions on time and be ready to learn. They need to know what the benefit is for them, what the benefit is for their classmates, and definitely, what the benefit is for their learning. Some students may need a cheat sheet of reminders to not use abbreviations or text lingo. It’s no secret that effective teachers are paramount to effective learning in the classroom, and in the case of online studies, the teaching principles and methods they use are even more important. ZOOM Meeting Video Rules Signs | Distance Learning | Digital Learning, Remote Teaching Assignment Checklist (Editable), Virtual Classroom Jobs | Distance Learning | Editable. Here are evidence-based ways parents can help kids improve virtual learning. For synchronous learning, some teachers said they translated traditional discussion strategies from the classroom to live video chats, while others found that digital tools helped boost classroom participation. I’m a 4th grade teacher, and when we switched to remote learning in March, my school administration had a very laid back attitude about remote learning with hardly an expectation. Possibilities virtual learning expectations for teachers how the school year will look students, and avid.. Once your students are interacting online, it can lead to inappropriate or unkind behavior and will. One way to overcome this hurdle is through communication with the student has an adult active in the home,. With teachers from around the world live classes each session, or more tools to support students! Set and communicate these expectations and how they can help kids improve virtual learning students... 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