Underlying liver conditions are extremely common. The stargazing meditation is a powerful guided meditation that can help you heal from emotional struggles, broken trust, broken promises, emotional stress, betrayal, wrong-doings, and disappointments. Consume within one hour for quick brain fog relief. It’s one of the greatest healing tonics of all time. If you’re someone who is living with anxiety, and even suffering from it, then you know what it’s like to feel held back, constricted, in fear, and even unable to go through your day in a peaceful manner because every moment is worry about how you’re handling your anxiety. If you’re new to celery juice, feel free to start with four ounces and work your way to sixteen or thirty-two ounces a day. That means the food won’t break down enough for your cells to access the nutrients, and instead the food will just sit there and rot, causing bad acids to develop. Chemical fragrance products such as air fresheners, scented candles, perfumes, and colognes, are popular in most households today. Learn more about the miraculous healing powers of celery juice in the books Thyroid Healing, Liver Rescue, Celery Juice, & Cleanse to Heal. This residue can become a cage on the outside of our soul disconnecting us from ourselves, or how we feel about others. The apple cider vinegar, or acetic acid, is seen as something toxic as it is consumed and can shock the stomach. Self-doubt can be instilled in our soul and hold us back in many ways, and this meditation can help us rise out of the self-doubt and eliminate fear from our being. These subgroups of sodium bond together as one and are infused with celery’s other critical chemical compounds and information that’s highly active in healing the body. The central nervous system, liver, and other organs may still be severely deficient, more about B12 testing in this podcast episode. Rinse the celery and run it through a juicer. It is that powerful. If you’re a fan of nut butter or seed butter, these cookies have your name on them. Another reason someone may become deficient in B12 is due to a stagnant, sluggish, and overburdened liver. The Honey Mustard is sweeter, the Zucchini Mustard has a thinner consistency, and the Potato M.. - It does always take at least one of these two causes.). Celery can really enhance the ability of supplemental GABA, glycine, and magnesium L-threonate to be absorbed by the brain and aid in neurotransmitter performance for sleep support. How Anxiety Relates to Existing Health Conditions. As we go through life, it can feel as though something is holding us down and not letting us move forward. A large amount of neurological problems are caused by Epstein-Barr, shingles and its many strains that have yet to even be discovered. When choosing which apple cider vinegar to use, it is best to choose the unfiltered with mother option. In today’s world, eggs are considered a household staple. This cake is aesthetically gorgeous and it tastes as good as it looks! We can make misjudgments and choices that are out of emotion because we’ve been hurt, this can hold us back from being who we are. By restoring the entire digestive system, celery juice puts our minds and hearts at ease, too. Brain fog can get in the way of work, relationships, everyday life, and can cause someone to question themselves and lose t.. - When we see a potato, we need to look beyond what we already know, and see far past what we’ve made our mind up to be, about this powerful healing miracle food. This stir-fry comes together easily and quickly so you can sit d.. - They’re invaders—foreign bodies in your body—and can also be injurers, sometimes damaging tissue in their travels through your system. The time will come that you will overcome this trial in your life, and anxiety will no longer rule your world, This item posted: 30-Oct-2020 - Disclaimer. Yes, apple cider vinegar is the best option when it comes to consuming vinegar. Completing this meditation can bring you in touch with a part of yourself you haven’t been connected to in years. Acetic acid depletes the body of the trace mineral calcium, which is used in the body to neutralize acidity. Similar though mistaken concepts are often referred to as “leaky gut syndrome” or “intestinal permeability.”). While you are bringing in these healing foods, consider reducing foods high in fat, such as meat, chicken, fish, nuts, nut butters, seeds, coconut oil, avocado, oils, and soy; keep these foods to once per day, versus two or three times a day. Health professionals will tell a patient struggling with endometriosis or PCOS to eat butter, cheese, and eggs, but to stay away from potatoes. Anxiety is a neurological symptom, and many people already have other neurological symptoms, which can all be caused by a similar virus, such as Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). Unfortunately, no o.. - Your body is loyal to you. Reconnecting with fruit picking is like reconnecting to your soul’s very existence, and can help you find your way and live your life freely. I recommend making this meditation a regular part of your spiritual growth and healing. The United States Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated any statement, claim, or representation made in or accessible from this blog or any linked material. The Content is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Coconut water is a great source of electrolytes and can be beneficial. This clean, green drink is the very best way to start your day. Medical research and science have not yet discovered the different varieties of sodium in celery, nor how beneficial they are. Anyone going through this needs every edge they can get in their favor to battle this condition and bring about peace and safety. Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin and/or adenosylcobalamin): strengthens the central nervous system. I'm so happy to have you here. The free as a bird meditation provides an escape from the very difficult emotional challenges we’re facing every day, and within ourselves, so we can gain clarity and lift the residue off our soul. As we live our life with neurological symptoms, we often gain wisdom far exceeding our years, and at the same time, learn more about ourselves than anyone can ever imagine or experience, unless they were challenged in the way you have been. Anthony William, Inc. - Disclaimer for Medical Medium Blog This blog, its content and any linked material are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or prescribing. Neurological symptoms and conditions such as: tics and spasms, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, jaw pain, head pain, neck pain, body pain, tingles and numbness, humming, buzzing, ringing in the ears, vibrations, tightness of chest, tightness of throat, panic attacks, anxiety, feeling of being on a boat, Lyme disease, lupus, fibromyalgia, autoimmune, multiple sclerosis, and dozens more. The Free as a Bird Meditation is for someone who feels stifled, unheard, misunderstood, trapped, suffocated, or even down right stuck. Many people are incorporating it into their daily routine, and drinking it by the tablespoon. Anxiety can be different for everyone, as the symptoms of anxiety range from mild to moderate, and even severe. This item posted: 09-Nov-2020 - Disclaimer. It loves you unconditionally. .. Fruit Picking Meditation: Healing Anxiety & PTSD, B12 Trick Or Treat - You Don't Get It From Meat, Coffee, Matcha & Chocolate - Abusive Relationship, Moon Meditation - Healing Emotional Wounds, Air Fresheners, Scented Candles, Colognes & Perfumes, Learn more in depth information on the topics in this article, Find out how to recover from the aftereffects of food poisoning using the potato, How potatoes are not a food that puts on weight as people think, Learn how potatoes do not cause inflammation, Discover why potatoes should not be feared because they’re a nightshade, Learn where you get the trace mineral zinc from, in a potato, Learn how toxic heavy metals can play a role in having anxiety, Find out if you have a mild, moderate, or severe form of anxiety, Learn which fruits, leafy greens, herbs, wild foods, and vegetables are really helpful when healing anxiety, Learn what foods can be harmful for anxiety, leading it to worsen, Discover specific tools that can help manage, control, and heal anxiety, I share emotional tools and support to healing anxiety, Learn how to avoid triggers for anxiety to make your life easier, Find out about the ten most common triggers for anxiety and how to avoid them, Learn why people have anxiety, coupled with a condition or symptom they’re already struggling with, and how they can be related. Food-borne toxins (Includes many uncatalogu.. Thyroid Healing: The Truth behind Hashimoto’s, Graves’, Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr, MM900HDS Omega Low Speed Masticating Celery Juicer, True Cause of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Troublemakers That Make Us Sick - Petrochemicals, Troublemakers That Make Us Sick - Chemical Neuroantagonists, Troublemakers That Make Us Sick - Bacteria & Other Microbes. When you practice flying free, nothing can hold you down, or get in your soul’s way. A sluggish, stagnant, fatty liver causes lower bile production, which means the body can’t break down and disperse fats easily, and that also contributes to gut rot, causing even more ammonia permeability. We often separate these symptoms as if there is a different cause for them, but that is not an accurate way of understanding someone’s health problems. Don’t let the simplicity of humble celery mask it’s strength—it’s often the simplest of measures in life that gracefully work wonders in the most complex situations. These symptoms, and the conditions that can be diagnosed alongside them, are caused by viruses and toxic heavy metals, more about this here in this podcast episode. The stress of life wraps around our soul and we lose touch with ourselves, feeling l.. - You can learn more about this in Thyroid Healing. You have been told “one of the largest, greatest deceptions of our day – that fruit is bad, fruit is harmful, fruit is dangerous.” The lie that fruit is harmful and should b.. - It’s doing it’s very best to help you be whole and healed. Certain herbal teas, such as nettle leaf tea, raspberry leaf tea, and lemon balm tea are great to drink as well. Again, contrary to current thinking, the body does not attack itself or turn against you. Neither Anthony William nor Anthony William, Inc. is a medical doctor or other licensed healthcare practitioner or provider. * If you’re sensitive and 16 ounces is too much, start with a smaller amount and work your way up. Potatoes are a legendary, humble food, that has no ego. It’s impossi.. - For example, in the case of Hashimoto’s, if antibodies are present, it’s because your body is going after the Epstein-Barr virus. Today we face a large variety of different bacteria and microbes which are troublemakers for our health. This meditation is a chance to break free and become emotionally strong. Celery also stabilizes and supports the adrenal glands, offers stress assistance, and repairs damaged cells inside the liver. Other Topics Uncovered in this Podcast Episode Include: More people now than ever before are experiencing brain fog. The first is, we create our own B12, and that very B12 our bodies create, is the B12 that keeps us going and staying strong. Bright-yellow urine: B12 vitamins are known to cause a bright or highlighter-yellow urine color, and beta carotene (found in foods such as carrots) can also cause this result. Raspb.. - Nervousness causes those sensations we know as tummy flips or butterflies in the stomach, and anxiety can run deep through the nervous system, putting our guts in knots. Many of us have busy lives that keep us from getting in touch with nature, and have robbed us of the chance to partake in one of the most important aspects of nature – fruit picking. It rules their every waking moment and can determine what they’re going to be able to accomplish in a day. Men need 1,000 mg between age 51 and 70 and 1,200 mg after 70, but not more than 2,000 mg a day. Learn how to use fruit as a healing tool, and tips for fruit consumption, What happens when we have toxic heavy metals in our brain and how this can result in potential memory issues, Learn more about toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, copper, and lead, and how we get them in our bodies through exposure without being aware of it. Although we can hear the word “acid” and think “bad,” gastric acids, including hydrochloric acid, are critical, helpful acids, not to be confused with having an acidic digestive system, which is detrimental to health. The autoimmune confusion is one of the greatest mistakes in modern medicine. Learn what triggers to avoid that may be aggravating your brain fog, The different levels of brain fog and how they can vary in severity. The EBV frequently create.. - Pouring apple cider vinegar into a foot bath with water can be helpful for surface wounds, open sores, foot fungus, athlete’s foot, poison ivy, or poison oak; vinegar is a cleansing agent and can help clean wounds and draw out puss. Some people struggle with digesting food because they actually feel it move through the gut all the way to the colon. Medical Medium Kale Stem Ginger Honey Elixir. Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSS) and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It is difficult enough to have conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Lyme disease, POTS, dysautonomia, sarcoidosis, Sjogren’s syndrome, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, eczema, psoriasis, endometriosis, migraines, vertigo, and symptoms such as tingles and numbness, aches and pains, tics and spasms, ringing in the ears, dizziness, jaw pain, neck pain, eye floaters, and blurry eyes, but to also have anxiety on top of these can make someone’s life more difficult and challenging. Lowering the amount of fats in your diet is another important tool in healing. Please do not perform this meditation while driving or operating machinery. As I reveal in my book, Thyroid Healing: The Truth behind Hashimoto’s, Graves’, Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr, EBV is the actual cause of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and many other diseases that medical communities call autoimmune. Celery’s naturally occurring sodium actually helps stabilize blood pressure, bringing it down when it’s too high and up when it’s too low. Hold compress on acne for five to ten minutes at a time for painful acne relief. When we ignore that, it defies common sense. If you are taking medicine for acid reflux, you might need a different form, which your healthcare provider can give you. Your difference could make all the difference. They’re also .. - Imagine the neuron is like a stream and the neurotransmitters are like the living water rushing through. Medical science and research are not yet aware that viruses feed on certain fuel, let alone that they produce neurotoxins as waste. When someone consumes apple cider vinegar, the vinegar begins to draw living water from cells and organs, and places the water in the wrong places in the body. The Medical Medium Kale Stem Ginger Honey Elixir is another incredible healing tool that may provide quick relief for brain fog, and help someone get out of a jam while they’re working on their healing. Going down the mold path is not easy for anyone. Celery juice is herbal medicine, and consuming sixteen to thirty-two ounces of celery juice every morning can help move the needle when you’re suffering with brain fog. Most layered dips contain dairy, harmful .. - The first step to getting rid of brain fog is to remove toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, copper, and lead, from the body. Copyright© 2020 Anthony William, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This item posted: 05-Nov-2020 - Disclaimer. Medical communities are unaware that over the ye.. - Your path will never be the same now that you have experienced fruit picking, which will begin to reverse PTSD, anxiety, broken trust, and anything that stands in your way of you becoming a fruitful, empowered, stronger, enlightened being. The fruit picking meditation is one way of providing a sanctuary while in the process of healing, helping to eliminate the feelings we get on a daily basis that anxiety creates, learn more about this in this podcast episode. How do you battle an invisible invader that instills so much fear in people, and can worsen health symptoms and conditions? When acetic acid encounters salt in the body, a chemical reaction occurs and this can result in chronic dehydration. When someone is putting more acid into their body, by way of apple cider vinegar, or any vinegar, the more calcium the body needs to neutralize these acids, and the more calcium is taken from bones and teeth. Although science hasn’t discovered this yet, hydrochloric acid isn’t just one acid—it’s actually a complex blend of seven acids. The range of anxiety isn’t one to ten, it’s more like one to one hundred thousand, because that is how many variations of anxiety exist and how everyone can feel it differently. There are some specific causes that can create a sensitive, weakened nervous system. Note that apple cider vinegar is the last straw that broke the camel s! That their body was against them, let ’ s an epidemic of hidden in... When you drink it solo one hour for quick brain fog provider with any questions may! Could go on and on about the healing you deserve be especially sensitive to them and. To suppress the appetite protein, iron, and endocrine system is consumed and can even cause seizures in people! To existing health symptoms and conditions of the nerves deficient, more about what it 's to. 70, but not more than 2,000 mg a day yet known by medical research and have... 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