The attention span for this level is very brief, with a maximum span, without any lapse at all, that may be as short as 8 seconds. lapse photography is an especially desirable feature. Interior Minister Rehman Malik a security lapse while speaking to reporters just after the attack. Q: Sir, the President said the world must not lapse into unproductive debates about whether specific instances of Iraqi noncompliance are serious. Here are many translated example sentences containing "LAPSE IS" - english-spanish translations and … You may need to let your subscriptions lapse with some services. A lapse in coverage or failure to have at least the minimum level of protection required by law can lead to serious consequences. A second lapse from the state of grace entailed perpetual exclusion from the sacraments, the means of salvation. v. 1. pass into a specified state or condition 2. end, at least for a long time 3. drop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards 4. go back to bad behavior 5. let slip 6. pass by. In those cases where people disappear under circumstances which create a strong probability of death, the court may, for the purpose of probate or administration, presume the death before the lapse of seven years. 4. Germans have generally confronted the painful horrors of their Nazi lapse. 31 sentence examples: 1. Surely, she could be excused her momentary lapse. If you want to quit smoking, you cannot have a lapse and return to your old habit. Without effective treatment of the hyperglycemic episode, the child can lapse into a diabetic coma, which sometimes leads to death. Much has yet to be learnt about the practical qualities of the electrolytic product, and although every day's experience serves to place the metal in a firmer industrial position, a final verdict can only be passed after the lapse of time. In both schools, the ancient doctrine of the contemporaneous appearance on earth of all species of animals having been abandoned under the positive evidence of geology, it is admitted that the animal kingdom, past and present, includes a vast series of successive forms, whose appearances and disappearances have taken place at intervals during an immense lapse of ages. Our description of the Roman Catacombs cannot be more appropriately introduced than by St Jerome's account of his visits to them in his youth, already referred to, which, catacombs after the lapse of above fifteen centuries, presents a of Rome. Bell extended their lead further following a minor defensive lapse. Even if you've had no lapse in coverage, the insurer can deny a claim as a pre-existing condition. In 1788 Mackintosh removed to London, then agitated by the trial of Warren Hastings and the king's first lapse into insanity. A text so transmitted must in the lapse of time be profoundly though insensibly modified, its forms and expressions modernized, and, if widely disseminated, local variations introduced into it. The period that followed is notable mainly for the enlargement of the presidency through the lapse of certain native states, by the addition of Aden (1839) and Sind (1843), and the lease of the Panch Mahals from Sindhia (1853). Here the manuscripts have "Scythicis" - "deo ut noceat," of which deo is rejected by every one in favour of the Pompeian reading, but Scythicis and noceat are retained on the ground that they are in themselves better than the Pompeian readings, which may be simply due to lapse of memory. Within these limits, three different theories have successively arisen: "At first it was thought that Isidore's domicile could be fixed in the province of Mainz, it is now about fifty years ago that the balance of opinion was turned in favour of the province of Reims; and now, after the lapse of about twenty years, several authors have suggested the province of Tours" (P. Fournier, Etude sur les Fausses Decretales). It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. "The memory lapse could be definitive, " said Jean-Francois Eijenbaum, a neurologist. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. At last, after vain negotiations and discussions, the Swedish government in 1895 gave notice to Norway that the commercial treaty which till then had existed between the two countries and would lapse in July 1897 would, according to a decision in the Riksdag, cease, and as Norway at the time had raised the customs duties, a considerable diminution in the exports of Sweden to Norway took place. 1 a : a slight error typically due to forgetfulness or inattention a lapse in table manners a lapse in security. Pig out: A party is a chance to let your diet lapse, and many adults enjoy feasts of decadent treats during slumber parties. 2. a momentary lapse of concentration. : Apparently there is a 0.2 second lapse from hearing to response on the meter, which is normally used in psychotherapy. Lapse definition, an accidental or temporary decline or deviation from an expected or accepted condition or state; a temporary falling or slipping from a previous standard: a lapse of justice. Without sleep, you are likely to have a lapse in reason, being unable to think clearly. During the lapse of untold generations, despite domestic anarchy and foreign conquest, the Hindu village has in many parts preserved its simple customs, written in the imperishable tablets of tradition. lapse (intransitive verb) - to fall or pass from one proprietor to another, or from the original destination, by the omission, negligence, or failure of some one, as a patron, a legatee, etc; lapse (intransitive verb) - to become ineffectual or void; to fall; lapse (transitive verb) - … It was a signal triumph over Leicester; and, although Burghley had still to reckon with cabals in the council and at court, his hold over the queen strengthened with the lapse of years. lapse of time definition: 1. a period of time that passes: 2. the reason for a legal agreement ending, because an agreed…. It is best to apply about three months prior to your 65th birthday, to ensure that your application has time to process, and you do not experience a lapse in coverage. This is because there may be a lapse in time from when a lender updates interest rates to when that information is updated on the other website. The degree of our conception of freedom or inevitability depends in this respect on the greater or lesser lapse of time between the performance of the action and our judgment of it. Roger, the man driving the car responsible for her memory lapse, has a cool seductive charm Angela finds irresistible. 33 20 After the lapse of six, eight or twelve days, according to the temperature, the larvae hatch out of the eggs. Characteristics - joint flush v Check your grammar, spellcheck and make sure you don't lapse into informal texting or abbreviations when writing a formal document. Characteristics cross - joint flush valve: they are time - lapse, self - closing, beeline of water route. ; She lapses toward him as if she were a failure, whereas you make her out a great success. In philosophy he began with a strong predilection for the physical side of psychology, and at an early age he came to the conclusion that all existence is sensation, and, after a lapse into noiimenalism under the influence of Fechner's Psychophysics, finally adopted a universal physical phenomenalism. Although you are required by law to carry car insurance at all times, a lapse may occur in your coverage. ; The desire for sexual variety is the ultimate cause of all sexual lapses and irrationalities. Time lapse quickly and Lady Spidery was already sixteen years old. Despite the occasional lapse, this was a fine performance by the young saxophonist. It may, however, be granted that the possibility of lapse throws us open to the objections, ingenuous or disingenuous, of the sceptic; and we must remain exposed to them so long as we deal with our first principles as so many isolated axioms or intuitions. xviii. This theory accords well with the enormous lapse of time required in the accumulation of the red clay. The town was represented from that date until 1332, and again in 1335-1336, but the privilege was then allowed to lapse and has never been revived. In the span of two complete sunspot periods no evidence was found of periodic or other change with lapse of time. No lapse of reconciling time, no extent of comparative indulgence, could break her in to resignation, submission, or toleration of even partial restraint. expiration of the first month the well had attained the depth assigned for that lapse of time, namely, 112 feet. None of Rudinis public utterances justify the supposition that he assumed office with the intention of allowing the alliance to lapse on its expiry in May 1892; indeed, he frankly declared it to form the basis of his foreign policy. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. But once their children leave the nest and become self-sufficient, they allow the policy to lapse. If, on the one hand, huge stones are transported hundreds of miles from sea-shore or river-bed where, in the lapse of long centuries, waves and cataracts have hammered them into strange shapes, and if the harmonizing of their various colors and the adjustment of their forms to environment are studied with profound subtlety, so the training and tending of the trees and shrubs that keep them company require much taste and much toil. They were not to be published until after the lapse of thirty years from the time of Talleyrand's death. Shortly before the fall of the Depretis-Robilant cabinet Count Robilant had announced the intention of Italy to denounce the commercial treaties with France and Austria, which would lapse en the 31st of December 1887, and had intimated his readiness to negotiate new treaties. Renunciation of the state of wedlock was anyhow imposed on the faithful during the lengthy, often lifelong, terms of penance imposed upon them for sins committed; and later, when monkery took the place, in a church become worldly, partly of the primitive baptism and partly of that rigorous penance which was the rebaptism and medicine of the lapsed, celibacy and virginity were held essential thereto, … Suffruticose plants and even small shrubs may be propagated in this way, by first planting them deeper than they are ordinarily grown, and then after the lapse of a year, which time they require to get rooted, taking them up again and dividing them into parts or separate plants. Until the right of presentation so accruing to a bishop or archbishop is exercised, the patron can still effectually present but not if lapse has gone to the crown. 3. 10 examples: It was understandable and probably justified, but it was a lapse of judgment to… If you have had what is called "creditable" health insurance for at least twelve straight months with no lapse of more than 63 days in coverage, pre-existing conditions cannot be excluded. Options are taken up, lapse, are sold again, the usual rigmarole. Such "apostasy" was not a formal abjuring of Jesus as Messiah, but the subtler lapse involved in ceasing to rely on relation to Him for daily moral and religious needs, summed up in purity of conscience and peace before God (x. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. lapse to in a sentence - Use "lapse to" in a sentence 1. But this is only a momentary lapse, for he broadly distinguishes the two kinds. 2. His lapse in judgement led him to fall behind in his studies. Example sentences with the word lapse.lapse example sentences. When, however, after the lapse of three days, a final earnest appeal had been answered insultingly, he began the battle. There is in truth a something crude, unsympathetic, cynical in his mental attitude toward human nature, for which, even after the lapse of more than three centuries, we find it difficult to make allowance. In fact, the next mention of the Nights is found only after a lapse of three centuries. A perfect obligation may become imperfect by lapse of time or other means, and, conversely, an imperfect obligation may under certain circumstances become perfect. 6 (TaXEC.os and µerarie€a0e - the lapse still in progress), we may conclude that the interval between the reception of the news and the composition of the letter must have been comparatively brief. His lapse in judgement led him to fall behind in his studies. At that point the British Government's power to suspend the Assembly will lapse for good. 1. It was a mesne borough held of the bishop of Winchester, but it is probable that during the i 8th century the privileges of the burgesses were allowed to lapse, as by 1835 it had ceased to be a borough. After the lapse of six, eight or twelve days, according to the temperature, the larvae hatch out of the eggs. 146+7 sentence examples: 1. develop an understanding of what drives lapse â informs your customer proposition. There were rites and customs which only after lapse of time were considered iniquitous. 2 : a becoming less : decline a lapse in the supply of technicians. lapse video recorder will clock up 168 hours use each week. From Cambridge English Corpus If a bill does not complete its parliamentary course in a session, it lapses. Develop an understanding of what drives lapse â informs your customer proposition. I declined, or rather let lapse, both invitations. Therefore, at the end of 1917, the commercial treaties with Germany, Italy and other countries, and the AustroHungarian customs and commercial treaty, would all lapse. 3. chap. The Anglican priesthood being gone, the episcopate also lapses. lapse of concentration has cost all all three points. 3. In time-lapse films the first signs are pulsations by the cells where the gut will form. occasional technical lapse of the latter. 1. , A surgeon cannot afford to have a lapse in his skills, as it could cost a patient’s life. This may occur by the dissolution of one of the contracting states, by the object-matter of the agreement ceasing to exist, by full performance, by performance becoming impossible, by lapse of the time for which the agreement was made, by contrarius consensus or mutual release, by " denunciation " by one party under a power reserved in the treaty. If you want to quit smoking, you cannot have a lapse and return to your old habit. The facts are conclusive in its favor, and no obstacle to its discharge can be conceived, except the lapse of time on this subject. Learn more. Given the lapse of time and considerations of natural justice and cost, resolved that no further disciplinary action be taken by the university. After Wilfrid's exertions in relieving a famine which occurred in Sussex the king granted to him eighty-seven hides in and near the peninsula of Selsey which, with a lapse until 709 after Wilfrid's retirement, remained the seat of the South Saxon bishopric until the Norman Conquest. In 1878, when the Triple Alliance was concluded, Bismarck, in answer to the Guelphic demonstration at Copenhagen, arranged with Austria, the other party to the treaty of Prague, that the clause should lapse. Scott used the Senate lapse to reconsider his decision to appoint Alfonso. Weight naturally fluctuates, and there may be weeks where the scale increases, but the key is to take heart in the successes of the plan and not regress into poor habits because of a momentary lapse. 5. But such disparagement would be an unfortunate lapse on their part. When therefore he, after the lapse of years, resumed his pen, the mannerism which he had contracted while he was in the constant habit of elaborate composition was less perceptible than formerly, and his diction frequently had a colloquial ease which it had formerly wanted. 2. The elections of 1909 returned a strong Giolittian majority, but the Premier found himself faced with the necessity for renewing the steamship conventions which were about to lapse. The Church when it had once conquered the world allowed such precepts to lapse and fall into the background, and no one save monks or Manichaean heretics remembered them any more; indeed modern divines affect to believe that marriage rites and family ties were the peculiar concern of the Church from the very first; and few moderns will fail to sympathize with the misgivings of the barbarian chief who, having been converted and being about to receive Christian baptism, paused as he stepped down into the font, and asked the priests if in the heaven to which their rites admitted him he would meet and converse with his pagan ancestors. But while the patrician disabilities were of a kind that had gained in importance with the lapse of centuries, these privileges, even if still retained, had become merely formal in the second half of the republican period. Examples of lapse in a sentence Without sleep, you are likely to have a lapse in reason, being unable to think clearly. The foundation of Lampeter College was one of the earliest signs of a new era of revived vigour and better government within the Church, although it was not till 1870 that, by Mr Gladstone's appointment of Dr Joshua Hughes to the see of St Asaph, the special claims of the Welsh Church were officially recognized, and the old Elizabethan policy was one more reverted to after a lapse of nearly two hundred years. In the moral sense, that is - did He ever do anything blameworthy, incur guilt for a moral lapse? Definition of Lapse. The preservation of any record, however rude, of the lapse of time implies some knowledge of the celestial motions, by which alone time can be accurately measured, and some advancement in the arts of civilized life, which could be attained only by the accumulated experience of many generations (see Time). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. How such a security lapse could occur needs a full independent public inquiry. ii., which unmistakably foreshadows Darwin's idea of a struggle for existence, we read: " Among millions of creatures whatever could preserve itself abides, and still after the lapse of thousands of years remains in the great harmonious order. Sentence with the word lapse. After a certain lapse of time this teaching is corrupted and lost, and is not restored till a new Buddha appears. Keep in mind that capturing traffic patterns is a lot like time lapse photography and initially can be challenging for the novice photographer. Another word for lapse. How to use lapse in a sentence. Translations of the phrase WILL LAPSE from english to french and examples of the use of "WILL LAPSE" in a sentence with their translations: He will lapse into his routine. All Rights Reserved. Blue, red, and a golden yellow, all somewhat faded through lapse of time and exposure, are the colours chiefly employed. momentary lapse from the tone of Mouth of the Nile. b : a temporary deviation or fall especially from a higher to a lower state a lapse from grace ethical lapses. The same year powers to extend the line southwards were allowed to lapse. the ceremony was allowed to lapse, but at the coronation of King Edward VII. The principle of the periodicity of the councils was admitted; the first was to assemble after the lapse of five years, the second within the next seven years, and subsequent councils were to meet decennially. forgetful members who let their introduction agency membership lapse accidentally. Synonym Discussion of lapse. 31, The debate was marred by a brief lapse into unpleasant name - calling. 3. a time-lapse sequen The time lapse since you have had intimacy with a man makes your heart vulnerable to the attention your business partner has been giving you. At the same time there are exceptional cases in which claret may be found in very fine condition after a lapse of as much as forty years, but even in such cases it will be found that for every bottle that is good there may be one which is distinctly inferior. How to use lapse in a sentence. During the lapse of years many of these stones were picked from their setting, and the silver ceiling of flowered patterns was pillaged by the Mahrattas; but the inlaid work was restored as far as possible by Lord Curzon. Was taken over by of lapse, self - closing, beeline of water route will!, 112 feet of all sexual lapses and irrationalities allowed him through become cancelled due to forgetfulness inattention! Mind that capturing traffic patterns is a lapse of the time of Talleyrand 's death given the lapse of years. Increasingly unresponsive state will never be more divine in the supply of technicians now more accountable both! 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